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The snake was about to bite him when someone hit the snake with a stick

The snake lost its balance and left sid

Sid fell on the ground and

Sid:dada what are you doing here?

So is it abhi

Abhi:sid let's run from here

Abhi took sid's hand and both of them started running from there

And those snakes were Also following them

The white snake came and again held sid he was struggling to get out of its grip

Sid:dada help mee...

Abhi was just standing there not knowing what to do

He closed his eyes

Then suddenly red colour flames started coming from his body

Abhi started screaming

When he opened his eyes they started glowing in red colour

He raised his hand towards sid and some flames came and hit the snake and it fell down

The snake again got up

Then abhi closed his eyes and the red flames became sharp blades which caused the white snake get injured and it fell down

The golden snake came and carried the white snake with it

Sid:Dada are you okay

Abhi:yes sid I'm okay

Sid:but what was that

Abhi:Idk it's so confusing how did i do that and those flames what is happening to me

Sid:don't worry dada we will find it very soon

They both left from there to their house

Precap:abhi became unconscious

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An emotional situation in your life?

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