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Let's start the chapter

Previously:romantic moments between our couples


It was night in nigam mansion

Everyone were sleeping when yesha woke up and went to the balcony

She saw avneet already waiting for her both of them changed in their naagin forms

She saw avneet already waiting for her both of them changed in their naagin forms

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They both hugged each other

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They both hugged each other

Avu:di today is red moon night we have to be careful and it's going to be 12:00 in some minutes its 11:00 please be careful

Yesha:yes avu also be careful and dont come out

Avu nodded

Yesha:we have to find those diamonds as soon as possible or else this curse dont know why we have to bear this every month

Avu:dont worry di the flower the statue gave is with you right give it to me

Yesha gave her the flower

Yesha:now lets go inside or else anyone can have a doubt on us


Both of them left to their rooms

Yesha went to her room and saw sitting on the bed

Abhi looked at her

Abhi:where did you went has.. I mean yesha

Yesha:I w..en.t t.o d..rin..k wat..er



Abhi started moving close to her

Abhi:why are you stammering



Abhi went towards her earlobe and kissed it

Words were not coming from yesha mouth

Yesha:w...h..at ar..e y...ou doi..ng

Abhi:just what a boy does with a girl

Yesha:I.. I...I.


Yesha:i.m sle..ep..y

She said and pushed him

Yesha went and slept on bed abhi went to couch and slept

With sidneet

Avneet went in her room and saw sid sleeping on his couch but he was uncomfortable

Avneet went to the cupboard and opened it she took a bedsheet and covered him with it

Sid snuggled in it and slept

Avneet carsessed sid's hair

Avu's pov

He is looking so cute while sleeping hayee just like a small baby so cute and innocent... what are you thinking avneet he is not innocent just remember your revenge you married him for your revenge only revenge

She said to herself and slept

After sometime she heard yesha calling her

Avu:di is calling me I have to go

With abhisha

At night abhi woke up from his sleep panting heavily and holding his head


Yesha woke up hearing his screams

Yesha:abhi what happened to you are you okay

Abhi:m.y h..ea.d is.. pa.ini..ng aa.h

Yesha:I will bring water

Yesha went downstairs

Abhi fell unconscious in the room

Yesha was going towards the kitchen she took the water and was about to go when the glass slipped from her hand she went outside to clean it unexpectedly she went outside

The moonlight fell on her

And what she slowly started turning into a statue

She remembered about the curse and  started calling avneet

Yesha:Avneet avneet.

She completely turned into a statue like this

Avneet heard yesha calling her she went downstairs and saw yesha turned into a statue

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Avneet heard yesha calling her she went downstairs and saw yesha turned into a statue

Avu:oh god di what happened to you why did you went outside I will cure you I will find the diamond at any cost

She went to her room and took the flower she roamed the entire house when

End of chapter

How's the chapter?

Will yesha become normal again?

What is the curse about?

Will avneet find the diamond?will she get to know that it is with abhi?

Stay tuned

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