17:Break up

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Hello guys

I'm back with a new chapter

Are you ready for the twist😈😈

Previously:I'm very lazy to write


Next day

Hasi was waiting for abhi in a garden

She saw abhi coming in a car

Abhi came out of the car but with a girl

Hasi was shocked

Abhi and the girl went in opposite direction of hasi

Hasi was confused and sad

Abhi and the girl sat in a bench

They both were talking and laughing

Hasi felt jealous

But the next thing shocked her

Abhi hugged the girl

Tears came out from hasi's eyes

But her world became upside down when they both leaned towards each other

Hasi quickly turned her eyes not able to see her love kissing another girl

After sometime she looked at them and saw that they both separated from each other

She quickly went towards them and slapped abhi

Abhi:what is this hasini

Hasi:wow hasini from hasi what happened to you abhi and who is this girl

Abhi:its none of your concern

Hasi:its my concern what are you doing with her abhi just a day before you proposed me and today with this girl chee I have shame on myself that I loved you

Abhi:be in your limits and this girl is my fiance and everything I did with you was just an act listen
JUST AN ACT in reality i hate you

Hasi:do you think I will love you after this I hate you too Mr Abhishek nigam

Abhi and the girl left from their

Hasi broke down

Hasi's pov

Why did you do this with me abhi I loved you so much but you betrayed me why why now I dont love you anymore i hate you Mr Abhishek nigam I hate you

She kept crying their for sometime and then left for home

End of chapter

How's the chapter?

Did you liked the twist?

Why did abhi do that?

Who is that girl?

Abhi really hates hasi?

Check out my new book "Love and hate" if you haven't

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