Chapter 19: Fun Isn't Always Fun

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She comes straight at me, nose bleeding and all. I dodge a few punches, and grab the sides of her head. I bring up my knee, slamming her skull on it. She staggers back as I roundhouse kick her in the stomach.

She doubles over and I give a knife hand to her spinal cord, momentarily paralyzing her. I then clasp my hands together and knock her over the head. She immediately drops to the floor, unconscious. Easy peasy.

I brush a hair behind my ear as Zerina comes behind me. She looks over the unconscious body before gasping.


That's what I was afraid of.

Skye comes running down the stairwell followed by Ward. I hoist my other sis over my shoulder and go for the fire mans carry. I get shot at with questions as I make my way to the honeycomb prison.

"What happened?"

"Who is she?"

"Why haven't you put Nya down yet?"

"Who's Nya?"

"Why is she here?"

"How'd she get on the plane?"

"Why is she dressed like a ninja?"

"Why won't you shut up and let Firman talk?"

"Why didn't you let me at least talk with her?"

"Why would you want to talk to her?"

"Why do you care?"

"Why were you and Sienna out there?"



I open the door to the confining cell, glad for it to be finally quiet. I simply flip Nya into the chair, and push my way through the door and lock it. Everyone looks at me while I just walk away, before bursting into more chatter and useless questions.

I think if I should continue to my room and discuss this all later, but I am genuinely curious on how she could have found us. According to Zerina, Nya had been MIA since she had been put with Coulson.

So how could she have followed us? FirzSimmons didn't pick up an electronical devices on Zerina, so no trackers. I doubt she just happened to be in the area.

Perhaps Zerina somehow contacted her while on the plane, but I highly doubt it. She wasn't lying when she said she didn't know where Nya was.

She could have possibly been allied with Quinn, who somehow........nope. How would Quinn track us unless we had

A informant in the team.

My mind was reeling, going into don't-believe-anyone-mode. Skye, Ward, May, even FitzSimmons could be working for Quinn. We had gotten away somewhat easy-okay, not that easy-from the compound. Someone could be keeping tabs in me right now.

Taking Coulson, having him call me, strategically placing Zerina, my long lost sister, with dead mentor......

It was one huge trap.

I casually felt my hip, finding my trusty Glock in it's holster. I had at least ten knives on me, two more pistols, a few poisons. I had two exits, cargo bay and right next to the cockpit. Then there were windows. Parachutes were in bay. My room was a perfect trap, only a tiny window.

I literally had less then five exits if things went south. This disturbed me.

While all this was going around in my head, Zerina, Skye, and Ward weren't even close to shutting up.

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