Chapter 27: Gone

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Natasha Romanoff stormed down the halls, about ready to strangle Sienna. After her disappearing act, Fury had been searching high and low for her, calling a few agents from mission just to interview them where they think she'd gone. Natasha was one of them.

Not that she didn't value Firman, she might as well be her kin, but the lengths she had gone to to make sure she wasn't found? Romanoff didn't know whether be insanely proud or very angry. Either way, she'd been summoned again by Fury, and not under good terms.

She stepped into board room, not surprised she wasn't the only one there. Tony Stark had taken a seat at the large table, looking rather befuddled and put off, resembling a mad chicken. He simply looking up, a malicious smirk on his face.

"Romanoff, I believe you were summoned as well to find out missing person."

Natasha nodded curtly as Stark looked back at his phone.

The door opened again, Steve Rogers shuffled in, taking in the others. He seemed flustered as well as he took a seat, two away from Stark. Silence stretched over the room. Who else had been summoned for questioning?

Clint Barton strode in, looking a little far from pleased. He was chewing some gum, not exactly in regulation, but he did that sometimes when he was nervous. His eyes swept over the room in one quick motion before he stood next to his partner, leaning to whisper in Natasha's ear.

"Any word?"

Romanoff shook her head as Clint muttered to himself, cursing Firman under his breath. Barton knew Sienna could take care of herself, but not even slight contact? No communication telling at least him that she was disappearing?

Finally, Fury arrived, Deputy Director Hill at his heels. Of course, the man in power went to the head of the table, but spared himself from sitting down. That wasn't a good sign. This whole meeting was whole collection of bad signs.

Just as Fury was about to open his mouth to begin, the door opened once more. This time, a tall blonde with thick glasses hit her elbow against the wall. She gave a pained expression, her mouth coming into a tight, nervous line that might be mistaken as an anxious smile once she shuffled in, practically tripping over nothing. This girl was a wreck.

"Sorry I'm late." She said in an unusual high voice, managing to make it to a free seat. Fury and Hill both exchanged a mutual glare while Tony Stark's gaze flirted between the newcomer and the annoyed authority. Rogers gave a half-hearted attempt at a grin, and the two spies in the corner stayed quiet. The blonde kept her eyes on the table, and with good reason.

Fury scoffed at her, rolling his one eye, "Before I was interrupted by Agent Renning, we all know I've called you here to find out the whereabouts of Agent Firman. Each of you saw her within three hours before her disappearance-"

"Excuse me, how did you know Sienna met me on that particular day? Are we back to spying on me again?" Stark asked, leaning his arm on the table.

Hill answered for her superior, "Captain Rogers disclosed the information to us."

The billionaire turned back to glance blatantly in Steve's direction, but the action wasn't a shared one.

Fury continued despite the disruption, "Stark, one of my best agents and your teammate is missing and I'd like an explanation. Now, why did Sienna come to you?"

The man pensively prepared an answer, but the room darkened. Everyone looked around the space to determine the cause of fading light, perplexed by the odd change. Hill immediately went for the door, trying to turn the knob.

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