Dad's friend (Kim Seokjin)

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Okay so I was confused for a long time, I still don't know if Jin is fit for this imagine. You can imagine other members. If u have suggestion who is best fit for this u can comment.

Also imagine the age u gap you want to. The reader is 20 and there is a huge height difference between them.

Seokjin's POV

There she goes wearing her cute little sundress, which I know don't have a bra or panty underneath. How do I know this? It's her favourite dress I have seen her wearing it in multiple occasions, her dad and I are pals so I'm invited to almost all his family occasions. Whether it's a small get-together, picnic or sometimes without any occasion, just to hangout.

So I might have seen couple her of times in some angles which I shouldn't have.

I moved few years ago to Y/n's neighbourhood after my wife and I divorced. Her father, Mr. Han invited me one day to chat a lil and we got closer eventually. The first time I saw her was when she was 19 years old, or maybe I did earlier but I didn't notice her to remember that detail. It was her birthday, her father introduced me to her.

'She is so beautiful' that's what came in my mind. Her smile, her aura, she is so pretty. I was just unable to keep my eyes off of her although I knew it was wrong, she was so much younger than me. I was dissapointed at myself that night. But I convinced myself that to get rid of whatever I was feeling and set boundaries.

But unknowingly she kept testing my boundaries and I couldn't help myself. Soon she became my guilty pleasure.

Right now we are out for a picnic along with couple more families. Y/n was pleading to her parents "Dad and Mom please! I'm old enough." Her mother said "No ofcourse not, you can't take care of yourself that's why you still live with us."

I butt in the conversation and asked "What's the matter?" Her father said "She wants to go deeper in the forest saying there's a waterfall she wants to see." And then y/n added "And they are stopping me from exploring the world." I smile looking at her, always so curious.

I thought to help her out "Will she be allowed if I go along with her?" Her mother said "Oh no Seokjin you don't have to." Y/n excitedly said "Yes mom! It is a great idea." I smiled at Mrs. Han and said "It's okay noona, I want to see the waterfall too now that it is mentioned, it will be good to have a company."
(If you are a male and close with a female who's older than you then you can call them noona even if they are not blood related sister. The same goes for hyung.)

Her mother sighed and said "Be safe and be back within 1 hour." Y/n hugged her parents thanking them and then we head towards the waterfall.

As we were walking she started the conversation "Thank you so much for today Mr. Kim" I shake my head while my hands are in my pockets "It's nothing. Actually I should thank you for getting me out of there. I would rather enjoy nature than scrolling my phone."

She chuckled as she checked her mobile for directions. I asked "How did you find the waterfall though?" She replied "I saw an influencer doing a photoshoot a few weeks ago there and I fell in love with the pictures. So I wanted to go and check it out for real."

We continued our walk until we spotted a waterfall. We walked closer towards it and I stop to admire it.

 We walked closer towards it and I stop to admire it

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It was picture worthy indeed. I looked towards y/n and I see dissapointment in her face. I asked her "Hey is everything alright?" She looked at me and replied "It looked better in the pictures. Ugh social media is getting so fake."

I said "It's alright, even now it doesn't look that bad. Actually I find it pretty." She said "Yeah I guess..but look at the pics! I wanted to click some pics like her." She showed me the pictures and I look back at the waterfall, yeah it is dissapointing.

I tried to cheer her up "With a little editing I'm sure your pictures will be good too maybe not like her cause that's some high level editing." She looked down and mumbled "Yeah I guess."

I took my phone out and told her "Now come on, let me take some pics of you." I angled my phone as y/n posed. I clicked few pics and showed y/n to know her views. She commented "Um can you take the pics from a little far, I want this whole thing to fit in the frame." I nodded and jogged a little to achieve the angle she wants.

I clicked some really good pics out of many and she was happy. She clicked few of mine then we clicked a selfie. I was checking the time when y/n splashed water on me. I glared at her as she laughed.

I get in the water too after rolling my pants up and getting rid of shoes. I tried to splash water on her but she was dodging. While trying to dodge she accidentally slipped and completely wet herself.

I ran towards her worried and asked "Are you okay?" She wiped her face and said "Yeah I'm alright." I lend my hand for her to stand up when I noticed today she was wearing undergarments, the water made it visible. Guess she only is naked underneath the dress when there aren't much people.

Without thinking much I blurted out "Oh today you wore your undergarments." She stood up and asked "What?" I withdraw my hand and panicked. I changed the topic and said "It's getting quite late we should go back." and was walking back when she said "What do you mean Mr. Kim?"

I turned around and said avoiding her eyes "Look, I did not have any bad intention nor it was my fault. You walk around with nothing under this dress most of the time and I accidentally saw things. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to look."

She questioned me "How do you accidentally look under my dress?" I looked at her and asked "You don't believe me?" She continued to glare at me so I continued "Maybe next time don't go around naked when it's windy outside or lean down to get that jar of pickle knowing that the strings are too loose and will expose your bare chest."

Y/n yelled "Why are you angry at me?" I yelled back "You are accusing me wrongly! I didn't mean to look at you but you don't believe me."

She paused for a while and replied calmly "But maybe I wanted you to see purposely."

My face softened and grew in confusion. She walked past me, out of water without a second word. I followed her silently not wanting to complicate the situation more.

Just before reaching the picnic site I took off my shirt and handed it too her leaving myself in a vest. "Wear it over your dress, your clothes are wet." She thanked me and before we get to say anything more we reached the site and her parents worriedly asked when they saw her daughter wet "Y/n what happened?"

She explained she fell while playing with water. For the rest of the time we didn't interact.

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