My sister's ex pt.2

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I woke up and check my phone, several messages from my friends. 'OH MY GOD Y/N ARE YOU OKAY?' 'Y/N WHERE DID YOU DISAPPEAR?' 'call back ASAP if you are alive' 'YOU are scaring us y/n'

I replied to their text saying I was okay and asked what happened. Then I see a message from tinder. I opened it, it was Taehyung. It said 'Are you feeling good?'

I mean my head hurts but other than that I am fine. Why is he asking? Oh right I met him at the party yesterday. But then I don't remember anything. I replied saying I was okay.

What did I even do to make everyone worry about me so much? My friends are worried that I disappeared somewhere. But where? Meh, I'll find out soon.

Later that evening I got a text from Taehyung.

Do you wanna go out and hang?

Why is he asking to hang suddenly, yeah we did talk in the party but we are not close enough.

Why and where?

Wherever u wanna go
If u have nothing on ur mind we can always go for ice cream

Ice cream sounds good. Where do u wanna meet up?

I'll come and pick u up @6
There's a new ice cream shop that everyone is talking about.

Anything for free ice cream.

There were many questions on my head as I sat by the passenger's seat. How does he know my address, I mean yeah he dated my sister but it's been years we could have shifted. How was he so sure about where I lived he didn't even ask? And he haven't yet answered why he wanted to hang. He could have went for ice cream with some other people. Also why am I feeling deja vu?

Taehyung asked me with his eyes on the road "Do you remember anything from yesterday?" I look at him and asked "Do you know? Everyone I know is just worried about me after the party but no one knows where I disappeared to."

He smiled and said "You were with me. And I was worried cause you were drunk, so I assumed you had a headache."

Oh my god. I don't remember anything. What if I said or did something which led him to ask me out to hang?

"I am so sorry if I said or did something inappropriate." I apologized. He pulled his car to park and replied "Nah don't worry you didn't, except you think I'm very handsome. Is this true?"

Okay not bad enough. I can handle it. I replied "Yes you are, you are a model. It's your job to look good." He turned off the engine and asked "I mean, do you personally think I'm handsome like you wanna date me?"

What. I went blank for a second. Seeing me freeze he added "Nevermind, let's grab our ice cream."  With that he exited the car and so did I. I did use to crush on him, and I still think he is so hot and pretty. But he is older than me, it's a little weird that he is going for a girl who's barely legal. Not like I'm blaming cause dating someone older has been my fantasy so I'm equally guilty. Not to mention he is rich too, sugar daddy vibes.

Taehyung asked me "Which flavour do you want?" I quickly look at the menu to decide "Strawberry." He ordered coconut ice cream for himself along with mine. Ice cream is probably the only unhealthy food he eats without any guilt.

We grab our cones and Taehyung asked "Do you want to sit here or you wanna go back to the car?" I wanted to sit here but then I see all the places are taken and the shop was crowded. I had no choice, technically I do by standing here but there are chances of someone pushing me, my ice cream will go to waste.

We sat on his car and ate our ice cream in silence. Suddenly I was hit by a memory, I had ice cream with him yesterday too and I said something about kissing. Oh god, he lied to me.

I look at him and he turned right to look at me "There's more right? I said something more yesterday." He replied "Nah it's not that serious." While licking his ice cream.

"I want to know." I said. He replied with a smirk "We exchanged our ice creams yesterday and you called it indirect kiss." I scream out of embarrassment "What the fuck y/n that was so childish and cringy" I said to myself.

He joked to add fuel to fire "Do you wanna kiss today too indirectly?" Emphasizing on indirectly. I scrunched up my face but then I feel my ice cream on my hand, it was melting. I quickly licked it clean. I look at Taehyung as he was staring at me, I pointed out "Your ice cream will melt too you should hurry up."

He nodded. I finished the top part of my ice cream, no risk of it leaking anymore. I asked "Are you okay with it?" He asked back "With what?"

I replied "Okay with hanging out with your ex's sister, okay with dating her? Don't I remind you of your bad memories?"

He smiled and patted my head "Yes I am okay with it. And you don't remind me of any bad things. I believe you can only make me happier."

I blush at his words and ask "Is it also okay with you kissing your ex's sister?" His hands travel from my head to place it on my cheek as he said "More than okay." And he closed the gap between us. I can taste his coconut ice cream mixing with my strawberry.

He pulled away and I told him "Hey I have to confess something." He hummed as I continued "I use to crush on you when I was a kid and I have always wanted to date an older guy thanks for making it come true."

He pinched my cheek lightly "That's so cute! And I'm glad I could make it come true, I was looking for a younger girl to spoil her too. I guess we are on the same boat."

I laughed "Wow am I in a movie? How did we match so accurately." He laughed back "I am thankful though, however we matched." I smiled and said "Me too."

I look at his hands and chuckle he looked at the direction of my eyes and groan. He shifted his ice cream to his other hand and I grab his sticky hand before him "Here let me." And I suck his fingers clean.

He asked "Do you like my hands?" I nod as I released his finger with a pop sound. He smirked and said "Dating you will be fun."

I really wanna make it smutty, I can imagine it in my brain but when I sit down to type I'm blank

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