Marrying my teacher crush (Hoseok)

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Author's POV

"Y/n, I did tell you about the fixed marriage when you were younger right?" Y/n's father asked her as they both were having their dinner.

Y/n replied, "Yes what about it father?" she said as she ate some vegetables.

"Well it's time, you are already Legal enough to marry someone. I'm not exactly forcing you, if you like someone then I will try to stop the marriage." he said.

"It's okay father, I don't like anyone. But I still have to study, I just graduated from high school few years back." Y/n replied.

"You are allowed and will not be bothered for that. You see my friend's son is quite older than you and if we wait more it won't look good for the society." he said taking a piece of meat from his plate.

Y/n nods.

Y/n was the typical good girl. She listened to her parents and studied well enough. It's not like she never liked someone, she did quite a few times but it always ends up being one sided. It's always a crush. She never got a chance to have a boyfriend as she was really introverted. It was also because she was scared of being in a relationship. She watched a lot of unhealthy relationship stories for that.

Her father fixed her marriage when she was a child. He had a best friend and they both decided to marry their children together when they grow up. Unfortunately their Children never met earlier due to some unavoidable circumstances.


So, it was finally the day when Y/n will meet her future husband. She dressed up all pretty and she looked really innocent.

She and her father reached the restaurant. Y/n was nervous so she hung her head low and followed her father. She heard her father speak with joy and then saw him hugging a man. And a woman was smiling looking at them. She soon bowed, and my father bowed back.

They soon notice y/n and welcomed her warmly. They all settle down but her future husband was no where to be seen.

The man spoke "Hello y/n, you must not remember me but I've seen you when were really young. You grew up to be a pretty lady."

Y/n thanked him. He continued "I'm Jung Hamin and this is my wife Jisu. We also have a daughter, Jiwoo, but she is living in Canada."

Y/n replied "I would love to meet her one day." Mrs. Jung replied "You will, she will be present on the wedding day."

Y/n's father asked "Where is your son?" They said he went in the bathroom.

Y/n ordered her food. And just right after that she heard a voice apologizing "I'm sorry for making you wait, it was rude of me."

The voice was familiar. She looked up to see her high school teacher, she once used to have crush on. Jung Hoseok which she called Mr. Jung. She was more than nervous now.

Hoseok soon noticed her and called out her name in confusion. Their parents looked happy about how they know eachother already.

They asked how they knew eachother, y/n was too schocked to say anything. If she opens her mouth she would stutter. Hoseok was the one to respond "We met when we attended a workshop together."

Mrs. Jung said in disappointment "Oh, not that close I see." Hoseok replies nervously "Yeah."

The whole lunch was an awkward mess for the two of them. They never directly talked with eachother.

Soon they finished eating and both of them were forced to spend some time alone near the pool of the restaurant, where there were no people to disturb them.

It was complete silence. They both stood there awkwardly. Finally Hoseok spoke "How have you been?" she replied "Good."

Y/n has always been afraid of teachers. The fact that she used to have a crush of Hoseok doesn't change it.

Hoseok is himself awkward about the whole situation. He was friendly to his students and most of them had a friendly relationship with him, it wasn't hard to initiate a conversation with them.

But y/n was a different case. She was always alone by herself. She rarely spoke to him and was almost unnoticed. She didn't like attention. So, he didn't know anything about her and just had a basic teacher student realationship. But her being so mysterious what attracted him. But he never got a chance.

He asked her "Wanna walk while we talk?" she nods and they start walking. Hoseok suddenly chuckled, it made y/n curious and she looked up at him. Hoseok sensed it and said "You are still scared of me and awkward, it reminded me how you used to be in highschool. You didn't change at all."

She replied, "You are also still the same, Mr. Jung. You still work as a teacher?"

He replied, "Oh don't call me Mr. Jung anymore and yeah I still work as a teacher, but my salary raised a lot. I moved school."

Hoseok finally asked "So what do you want to do about this? Are you being forced by your father to marry me? If that's the case I can totally stop all this today. I totally understand if you got a boyfriend-"

She replied before hoseok could blabber more "I don't have a boyfriend. I'm okay with it as long as you are."

She looked at him and asked "Didn't you have a girlfriend back when I was your student?"

He chuckled and said "People change, relationship changes. We broke up a year ago. And since then I haven't really been interested in anyone. My father wants me to get married before he dies, you see I'm getting old. He is worried I'll die single."

It made Y/n laugh.

Hoseok spoke "So do you want to ask me anything before we get married?"

She took the chance "Why didn't you tell the truth back then when they asked how we know eachother?"

He replied "Things were already awkward between us, I didn't want them to get uncomfortable or think weirdly."

She nods in understatement. He said "That's all you will ask?" she replied confusingly "Yes?" Hoseok smiled to himself and said "Okay let's go back in. Our parents must be waiting."

And then they both walked in the restaurant.

Y/n couldn't help but to feel butterflies. Deep down she knew she never got over her teacher crush.

*Sweats nervously*

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