day 13

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official ruling was that your death was drowning.

it was determined an accident, that you must have fallen in. the reports said there wasn't any signs of you being suicidal or depressed

I wish I could have this mindset but my intuition tells me otherwise. if only it could've told me a little sooner.

only if it could tell me why.

robin did you think about me, even once.

i know suicide isn't a selfish act, but being left behind by the person who spoke me off the ledge with sweet promises of forever feels selfish.

robin you didn't leave a note.

i would give anything to know what you were thinking in those last moments, what was going on in your beautifully complex mind.

robin you could've spoken to me

you were always a person of action, you'd rather do it than say it. i used to think that was one of your best qualities. i would've listened to you, no matter what you said i would've listened to you

robin, will you wait for me to join you

it's not fair, you've left me without ever telling me why. you've left me with so many questions and no answers. you've left me with nothing.

robin you've left me.

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