a bad day, a bad week

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Hello! Thank you for clicking on this story,the charictor 'scott' is my original character,please dont use him, I have no claim over mha charictors or plot line,thanks,
Enjoy the story

Quick warning

Bakugou pov
Its been a rough few days,not that I'll admit it to anyone. Everyone found out about what happend in middle school,deku must have let it slip, now almost everyone is either ignooring me or avoiding me and it sucks but I wont let them know it affected me, i dont need any extras ,im not weak. Another thing ive noticed is a stranger who ive seen a cople of times around school,they have this lost look in their eyes, maybe the teachers know who they are? If they'll even talk to me but no ones tried to stop him from wandering around.

I mender into class greeted with glares, mumblings and sneers, I keep my head up but my eyes down sitting as quickly as possible without seeming suspisious,class starts like normal and I gaze out the window not realy paying attention

What am I donig here... I cant be a hero

Tears brim my eyes but I know I cant cry here.somthing catches my eye.(other than tears) There he is that red haired extra sitting outside on a dry grass hill under a tree shedding it fiery autumn leaves staring at seemingly nothing, face vacant and pale,his eyes covered by hair. seriously who the fuck is this guy?
My thoughts are broken by the bell signalling the end of class,I get up only to be bumped on the sholder by pink cheeks,she huffs and walks away as I try to exit the class

'Bakugo could you stay behind' the board voice of mr aizawa drones from behind me and I wince dropping my head in defeat in anticipatisipation twists my stomach and i take a breath. the stares of my classmates are burning  into me my face heats up and I supres my quivers. Turning to see the tired man he opens his mouth to speak

'well bakugou as you know the school has been made aware of your past actions and deem it innapropriate and cruel,your lucky not to be expelled,you will have detention for two months and must write a formal appoligy to problem child #1'... even in bieng a problem child hes still number one. This wont stand.

I feel my face furthur heat up with embarresmen and rage,I hate being talked down to almost as much as I hate pity,I dont say anything and avoid eye contact

'Do you want to say anything' the tired man asks raising his eyebrows nonchalantly,I consider before deciding to ask the main burning question thats been on my mind for far too long
'whos that kid with the red hair and wierd jumper?' Aizawa looks at me for a moment in scilence as if trying to work out if im being seeious,he seems to decide im not. 'Just go to lunch bakugou,and dont forget that letter I suggest you start it as soon as possible.' He lectures. Naturally I storm out slamming the door

I get back to my dorm and launch whatevers closest to me which happends to be a dried up glass of water from the other night,it shatters loudly and I sink to the floor lent againced my door

I will not cry
Im not weak

Why am I here?
I could just go home... but I dont know how mad the old hags gonna be or if im even allowed to go home,she hasnt tried to message or call so im guessing not.

Im not gonna be a hero,I cant,no one thinks I can my 'friends' hate me, the school hates me,the teachers hate me...all might definatly hates me.

A tear slipps down my cheek

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