The Truth

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the teacher was pacing back and forth occationaly stopping looked at the student as if to start speaking before looking away again looking almost defeated returning to pacing, this had been going on for a few minuiets  as scott and bakugou occationaly glanced at eachother "im boarddddddd" the red haired groaned making the small child laugh in amusment and the cat positioned on bakugous lap yowl in agreement streching his leggs "a ghost?" aizawa said suddenly locking eyes with bakugou "A GHOST!, as in a dead person! how am i supposed to believe that" he raised his voise demonstraiting his frustration, bakugou diddnt say nything...but eri did "but its true dad (dadzawa) i can see him too" she said looking to an empty space beside the blonde "actually, he looks a bit angry" she added on as scott poked his tounge at the teacher who looked to be questioning every life choise he's ever made "you are by far one of the least mature people i've ever met" bakugou directed towards the empty space "hey i died before i got the chance to mATuRe" the red haired boy retaliated as eri chuckled at the twos biccering "just...WHAT have you got my daughter to believe" aizawa grew more irritated almost angry by the second triggering scott to have a sudden idea putting his hand out to bakugou "what if i can proove it?" bakugou asked as the teacher raised his eyebrows, the blonde grabbed scotts hand closing his eyes, when he opened them again they had turned a cloudy white and his expression had relaxed "hey there my name's scott, nice to meet you!" he chirped happily causing his teacher to stagger back clearly suppriesed

"ok... so your a ghost...?"

aizawas pov
bakugou has left the teachers lounge, he has told me to reaserch 'scott redwood, Autinesbury' if i still dont believe him, i still dont know, this could be a sceme to cover up villian behavure as much as id like to believe its not... so im reserching it, im sat infrount of my computer debating typing it into rhe search engine times ticking and i decide to hit the search button... there are verry few articles that appeare in the results, im guessing it was a rather quiet town. i click the first article and it displays a news article titled 'tragic death of autinesbury teen scott redwood'... well the name matches, i continue reading the article

'scott redwood was pronounced dead after falling down his family homes stairs, he suffered extreeme brain damage which is the believed cause of death...'

a little way down is an image of a red haired teen, a warm smile and bright blue eyes, he seems to be a bright boy...

the teacher continued to read going down a rabbit hole of information and finaly...

he believes.

he believes in scott redwood the ghost boy following his student

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