rainy movie

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Heavy footsteps and rainfall filled the scilence, both boys laughed while running threw the rain,thunder crashing threw the sky as lightning ripped across the cloudy horizen,they had almost made it back to the dorms clothes hair drenched and noses red.

running threw the school catching peoples attention with the ruckus,people like the students of class 1A...

in 1A
"well who was is?" aizawa asked the pink haired girl looking threw the doors window
"bakugou" she stated quietely,a few mumbles of supriese spreading threw the room
"bakugou laughing...are you sure?" someone in the class snorted, a few people laughed quickly scilenced by the teacher
"who was he with?" everyone wanted to know as they were all in class that day, mina went quiet for a moment glancing back out the window before quietaly saying

"no one..."

voises filled the classroom as people eiser joked about it or expressed worry for someone who they used to call a friend, one of the most worried being deku conserned for the other

bakugou and scott

They barged into the dorm building of which was now empty, bakugou changed his now soaked clothes and handed scott a spae jumper which he took greatfully,once they had warmed up, they both sat down and decided to put a movie on 'can we wach an animated movie?' The red head asked childishly, bakugo rolled his eyes 'thats for babies,so i guess its perfect for you scott' scott made an exagerated gasp 'oh how you hurt me!' He exclaimed as the blonde snickerd 'shut up' he said with a grin pushing scott playfully

They ended up waching a horror movie much to scotts fear,who made bakugou promice they would watch something nice later so he diddnt get nightmares later, however there was some comedy so he wasnt entirely againced it. The two had there own blankets scott using his to cover his eyes at many jumpscares and tence moments making the loud boy laugh at his timid nature,the two seemed unlikely friends but they seemingly got along despite the fact bakugou wouldnt call him a friend

Both boys had dozed off scott lent slightly on the others sholder under a blanket as each jumpscare played after another,wind howled past the window as rain lashe at the glass both had been rather confertable before bakugo was jerked awake by knocking at his door,to his suppries behind the door was his old 'friend' mina

'What you did was wrong. And I know it was. But I miss you, I know youve changed and i dont like the distance between us'

Her comment suppriesed the blonde and he gestured for her to come in,at this point scott was sat up and awake seeming intrieged at the newcomer.
'So why are you here' bakugou asked,the girl seemed nervose and embarresed as she avoided eye contact
'I got worried when you diddnt come to class today and I miss you' bakugou simply shrugged
'tch whatever' mina looked up hopefull
'so am I forgiven?' Bakugou hid his smile
'i guess-' he was cut off with a tight sudden hug and scott smiled catching the blonds attention
'Oh right this is scott' he spoke calmly getting a questioning look from the pink haired girl as he gestured to the pale boy who seemed sudenly unconfertable
'uhm right well I gotta go baku,see ya' with thst she left leaving the boys muddled.

Mina's pov
Ok now im really worried, he just tried to introduce me to air... I should tell kami,he wanted to come too but was too nervouse,mr aizawa should know too, this and what happened in class today, i know hes been going threw alot of late but i diddnt think it would effect him like this...

mina rushes to aizawas classroom troubled knoking on the door recieving an awncer rather quickly, the sleepy man awnced the door looking down at the girl " dont tell me youve started another revolution in the cafatiria... mina we talked about this..." the man droned as the girl looked up at him fear evident in her eyes "no sir, its just bakugous realy starting to worry me..." this seemed to catch the teachers attention as he invited her into the classroom, they both sat and mina continued to speak "well i went to his dorm to apologize and try to be friends again,everything was going well but then he tried to introduce me to someone..." she trailed off looking away "who was it" aizawa asked recieving no awncer "mina i need to know, was it a LOV member?" aizawa asked growing slightly more paniked "no no dont worry it wasnt anything like that, its just... no one was there... he tried to introduse me to someone called 'scott' but no one was there" aizawa frowned and began to speak "we are aware of bakugous recent behavure and we are keeping an eye on him so dont worry, if help is needed we will step in and do our best as a school but untill then we could try contacting his parents..." he tried to reasure her "sir?" she said softly "are you going to expell him?" she asked tears brimming her eyes "no... at least not for the moment, we know how that would effect him and dont want to push him if hes alwredy showing sighns of instability, the teachers know to report to me or nezu if anything happends." mina seemed to calm knowing this and went on her way back to break leaving a perplexed concerned aizawa, first hes skipping classes now this, id call his parents but i dont know if that would help after seeing how his parents are around him... i also know he wouldnt ask for help so i might have to confrount him at some point, i know he wont like it but it might be nessisary,untill then all i can do is look out for him...

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