another bad day and a new 'quirk'

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Morning rolled around and both boys woke up, bakugou groggily sighed as scott rubbed his eyes tiredly.

The day dragged on classes passed, and the longer they wwere in school the more negetive interactions between bakugou and a few old friends but at least both bakugou and scott had training later,that was something to look forward to. The red headed ghost wanted to try something he used to do with rae, he thought it might help bakugou with hero work.

It was time for trainig and they had begun independant quirk development they both went to a quiet area 'hey bakugou?' Scott looked nervouse avoiding eye contact 'what is it ghost bitch?' Bakugou asked impatintly exited to let off some steam.

'Well me and rae used to be able to do this thing and I thought we could try it,I think it might help you, kina like a second quirk?' This intrieged bakugou, shown in the way he stapped closer narrowing his eyes slightly, anything that could improove his grade and performance interested him 'well what is it' he asked quietaly to avoid attention fromother classmates. scott looked dubious at first before continueing 'well its kind of like partial possession' now this seemed to freak the blonde out his eyes widening as he stepped back subtlety again trying to avoid allerting  any of his classmates or teachers,aizawa alwredy thought he was crazy. 'hear me out! You would still have most controle over your body unless you willingly give me permission, its kina like I share my ghost abilities with you?' They locked eyes for a moment before the loud boy retorted sighing 'ok but any funny buisness and I'll like... exorcise you' scott laughed nervously looking the other up and down trying to figure out if he was joking... he wasnt.
'How do we do this then' bakugou asked hiding his nerves rather well,
'Just put your hand out' the ghostly figure retorted seeming happy with his hopefully friends decision. Bakugou did as scott said and the ghost took his hand smiling warmly before the angry teens stomach lurched and twisted in a sudden wave of nausea.'sorry that usualy happends the first few times' an awkward moment was shared between the two before bakugou spoke up again with both nervousness and exitment lacing his voice.'Ok...w-what can we do like this'

Scott showed him all the things they could do that he knew of when they were in a 'ghost mode' as they called it, that included scott being able to deflect attacks away from bakugou, invisibility, passing threw objects, causing nausea or anxiety, and a large pair of white wings, the only thing making this power obvious was that when ever they combined strength bakugous eyes would go white and he would get paler, if the power was in use for too long injuries from scott like his head ingury would start to appear on bakugou causing a possible threat to the boys health, they however earnt this the hard way

'ah what the fuck' bakugou growled reaching for his head feeling the warm liquid seep from an unknown soarce catching the attention of his teacher, scott had immidiataly broke the connection after seeing the danger as the angry blonde slumped againced the wall vision going blurry...

bakugou had to go to recovery girl however she couldnt find any injury, obviously bakugou being bakugou decided he was still going to partake in 1 v 1 training

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