caught...or not

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the group had been travling for a while and had eventualy set up a small campsight as the sun seemed to drop beneeth the hills, bakugou started a fire with his quirk and scott used a few brances as a roof for a small shelter, it was a little cold due to it being autumn and all but they could handle it. scott had decided to tell a story around the fire, one about a kingdom and a cyclopse with twists and turns "why couldnt the cyclopse see verry well mr scott?" eri asked as scott told the tale "well you see the cyclopse only has one eye so he only has one eyebrow but its so long his eyebrow is like a curtain for his eye" scott explained calmly "that is one of the stupidest things i've heard all week...and you told me to jump out a window" bakugou remarked he was shushed by an exited eri wanting to hear the rest of the ghosts tale, "the cyclopse was angry almost all the time and kingdom people misstook him for a monster but one girl, small rather like you actually offered to help the cyclopse, she cut his eyebrow hair and he felt much better, you see he was angry because he couldnt see proplerly and his eyes were itchy and stung as they were constantly poked by the hairs, and as a thank he guided her threw the forests and the kingdome were at war no more" scott spoke in a soft tone seeing the child yawn "thats a nice story mr scott" she muttered under her breath lent againced the older boy, crackling of the fire and the occational breeze set a calm mood as both the boys still awake sat quietaly waching the fire before bakugou broke the scilence "where did that story come from" bakugou asked quietaly to avoid waking the sleeping child, scott laughed going on to explain "its an old folk tale from my town, we have a statue of him in the town square", the blonde nodded to himself before adding on "it wasnt THAT bad" scott let out a quiet gasp "was that a compliment?" bakugou huffed before saying "just shut up and go to sleep ghost bitch" scott laughed slightly gesturing for bakugou to come closer "she'll get cold without you" he said gesturing to the slightly shivering girl. a sweet sight indeed, the small girl and spikey blonde teen lent againced the pale boy, a cat curled up in his lap, fire clakling as the night drew in...

morning came with the tweeting of birds and crackling of fire embers, there was a slight mist and rain lightly drizzling as bakugou woke glancing to his side to see his companions still resting, if not for the circumstance he would have let them sleep but he knew they were almost at the school, it was a bit of a fight to get scott up as he huffed in annoyance "ghosts need sleep?" bakugou questioned "this one dose" scott spoke drowsily making eri laugh and bakugou smile. "wouldnt it be better to go when there are no students in the main school building like in the evening" scott asked bakugou looked to consider it before saying "yea i guess". the group spent the day messing around, telling jokes and storys, by the time evening rolled around they were all set to go wandering to the school, the gates stood tall as bakugou looked down at eri "think you can handle it from here?" he asked however the girl appeared frighted tugging on the blondes sleeve, he sighed and said "ok we'll come with you, but you cant tell anyone about scott, no one else can see him, or i dont think so" bakugou said calmly grabbing the girls hand, they wandered into the school, threw corridors and to the teachers lounge where bakugou knoked hand shaking slightly a muffled voice called from inside, one he recognized as aizawa "come in", he sounded stressed as the small group entered the room "bakugou? so you came back" he stood almost in a fighting stance as if preparing for an attack "relax i only came to return something" bakugou responded pulling eri out from behind him, aizawa ran over cheching her for ingury "thank you for bringing her back" he said expressing his gratitude "how ever you still need to explain,what did you say before denki came in?" bakugou looked to scott who shrugged as bakugou opened his mouth to speak aizawa listning intently to try to understand what he was saying straining his ears to hear the blonde boys words intrieged to know

"my friend is a ghost"

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