supplies and a chase

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before they begin their jorney they must gather supplies despite possible difficulties with finding them, they travle threw the town cautiously keeing an eye out for the pro heros and police knowing they would be stopped if they were spotted.

"you should be the one to keep watch" bakugou said to his pale companion
"why me?" scott asked slightly offended
"no one else can see you, duh" the blonde said in a quiet voice as they rounded a coner trying not to draw attention to themselves
"good point" scott muttered after a few moments of scilence.

they ducked into a pet shop knowing they would need cat food as 'charles' the name scott chose for the cat, would get hungry soon. as they broused the different cat foods a commotion was heard outside it was then they noticed midnight wandering the streets swarmed by her fans "fuck" bakugou whispered quietaly "whats the game plan here?" scott asked nervously "do i look like i know?!" bakugou wisper yelled watching the hero from the pet shop "ok well shes distracted at the moment so i say we wait for her to walk past then run the moment shes not looking" the red haired boy instructed, bakugou looked at him considering the options before nodding agreeing with the plan.

bakugous feet pounded againsced the cobble stone path panic stricken eyes focused on the path infrount of him before he heard a voice coming from somewhere "-akugou, bakugou!" he recognized it as midningts voice and tried to speed up runnin as fast as his legs would carry him "someone stop him!" the raven haired woman shouted catching the publics attention "uh oh" scott whimpered slightly "uh oh is verry right" bakugou yelled, even the cat seemed to yowl in slight fear shaking in the backpack, no locals tried to intervien recognising bakugou knowing his strong quirk " need a hand" scott asked reaching his hand out, bakugou looked juviouse "invisible flying would be helpfull" scott reasured as the blonde grabbed his hand immidiataly going invisible and taking flight, gasps were heard as he vanished and midnight looked around franticaly for the apparently unstable boy meanwhile the three runaways flew threw the sky away from the hero and the comotion "ok i gotta put us down, im getting kina tired" scott muttered gliding down to an ally way a little way off from the drama, they had made it and decided to figure out how to get to Autinesbury first. just as they were about to look for a place to set up camp a feeble voice sounded from behind them

"mr bakugou?" it was eri... but what was she doing all the way out here? how did she get out here?

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