The One And Only Y/n Riddle

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"Wake up bitch the plan" mattheo whispered yelled

"Five more minutes" y/n say really annoyed as she puts a pillow over her head.

Mattheo takes the blanket off the bed and throws a pillow at her

"Get up Tom is waiting we got to go"
"FINE!" y/n yells "shit" you whisper you grab your trunk and wand and run out of your room.

"WHY DID YOU YELL!" Mattheo says while running he grabs his wand out of his room and runs to the living room.

"Shut up he will hear us he might not heard us"

"Guys come on get in we are gonna be late!"Tom stated as he get the floo powder.

"Stop being such a worry big brother"

Mattheo chuckles as Tom grabs the powder,Mattheo starts getting all the bags and put it by the fireplace. You all get to the train and are sitting inside.

Y/n POV ( btw your POV is most of the story)

I love it already I never got to go outside not after that day I don't even understand why it happened in the first place I did nothing to him all I did was go in my room and my dad came in mad after a meeting and started hitting me out of no where

"y/n earth to y/n"
"Huh what do you want Mattheo "
"Our friends are coming over don't be embarrassing"
"Okay" i said as I rolled my eyes

I wish I can go up to him and punch him right now ugh right as I was gonna turn my head to look outside the window a boy with blonde hair and grey eyes came in and sat next to Mattheo and Tom and then a boy with brown hair and eye came in with a girl with brown hair up in a ponytail and brown eyes I rolled my eyes and looked out the window and I saw Mattheo death stare me I knew in his mind that meant do not talk I was think about how am I ever gonna stay here without dad noticing I started breathing fast so I got up to calm down right when I was about to leave Tom grabbed my hand

"Are you ok sis" Tom asked

"Yah I just need to walk around a bit I will be fine"

He nodded and let go of my hand I heard some voices say I'd that actually your sister I just rolled my eyes but I heard a girls voice say she look like a a whore she said to the boy next to her I tried to shake it off but I just couldn't after all the things said to me from my dad it just reminded me of him I hated that I tried going back but then I found myself crying on the floor with the same words running through my head spoiled, selfish, brat, spoiled,selfish,brat, spoiled,selfish,brat I can't make it stop it continued for a long time until...

"Hey are you ok come with me I will help you with my friends" said a girl with orange hair

"Sorry it's just i-i can't say" I said while she was helping me up we started walking to a place where there was a boy with brown hair and a other boy with orange hair they stared at me like I was a animal but the girl helped me sit down next to her

"Hey I am Hermione Granger"

"I am Harry Potter"

"And I am Ron Weasly"

"It's nice to meet you all" I said while wiping away my tears

"Why were you crying" asked Hermione with a concerned look on her face

" it's just that my father h-he I can't say I am sorry" I said as I looked down and a tear ran down my face I heard my brother calling for me

"Sorry I have to go bef-"

"Y/N WHY ARE YOU WITH THEM" Tom grabs your arm and starts taking you to they're friends

Tom whispers to Mattheo what happened and they both death stare you and a boy pulls out his hand and say

"hi I am Malfoy Draco Malfoy" said the blonde boy

"Hi I am y/n Riddle" you say annoyed

"I am Blaise Zabini" said the boy with brown hair

"Nice to meet you" you say trying to be nice

" I am Pansy Parkinson" she said holding her hand out for you to shake it

"Hi" you say and roll your eyes k owing she is the one who called you a whore

"You shake my hand out of respect" she said death staring you

"When you earned my respect then I might shake your hand" you say turning your back on her

She scoffs and you brothers chuckle a bit and you guys arrive at hogwarts and see people everywhere and loose your brothers and see Hermione with the boy and go to her for help

"Hey Hermione I am lost can you help me I don't know where I am or where to go and I am sorry about my brother"

" sure come follow me and it's okay btw I never got your name" she said

"It's y/n,y/n Riddle " you say while following her

They all turn around in shock and look at you for a while

"Hey y/n you go down that hall and turn to the big doors and then sit in the front and wait to get called" Ron said

" oh ok thank you guys" you said while walking away where they told you and you hear them say a Riddle we can't be friends with a Riddle I heard a boys voice but it wasn't Ron it must have been Harry's voice you get a bit sad thinking you finally made some friends but no you think about talking to them later while walking through the doors you see every one stare at you as you walk in you get nervous and sit down Dumbledore said his speech and Professor Mcgonagall says your name and you try to calm down

"Sit here" she gestures to the little chair "this hat will decide what house your in"

"Ok" you say nervously

"Another Riddle I see I know exactly what to do with you SLYTHERIN" the hat said

People started cheering at a table and you make your way to the slytherin table and sit down next to your brothers and you guys start talking amongst each other and you walk out and decide to explore since it's a Saturday you find your dorm and leave all your thing there and go to the astronomy tower and lay down and look at the ceiling.

Hey guys plz correct me and stuff and I hope you like it :)

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