Chapter eleven

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I wake up and put on my uniform and put bandages on my ankle I picked up my pocket knife and wand I went out my dorm and tried to walk normally to my locker to not show any sign of weakness I saw a kid getting bullied I hated bully's I clenched my fist I wanted to go up to them but I just couldn't I can barely walk I was hoping for Marcus to come but he didn't so I made a small energy ball and hit him and turned away fast acting like I didn't do it

"Big mistake you made y/n we all know it was you" said a guy

"Shit" I mumbled I started to get my wand out of my sleeve

"Come on witch act like your dad we all know you can't do shit" as soon as I heard them say act like my dad I turned away I never wanted to be like him

"Oh look the famous Riddle can't throw a punch"

"That's it" I went up to him and punched him in the nose and started hitting him with red ball of energy

"Y/n calm down" I heard Marcus say as he grabbed my arm back

"w-what have I done" I theirs to run out of there but it was more hopping on one leg then running I went to my dorm and slammed the door shut and locked it

"Shit I became my dad I did exactly what he did to mattheo to that kid I am just like him I am a monster" I said as I went to the bathroom to get the blood off my hands

I looked in the mirror all I saw was a monster that can't control anything she is doing I broke the mirror

"Shit I did it again" I said while I heard banging on the door

"Y/n OPEN THe DOOR ARE YOU OK!" I heard Marcus yell I opens the door and he hugged me

"Why should you break the mirror" he said while looking at my hand and the bathroom

"Force of habit" I said looking at him

"To wonder your arm and hand has so many stitches"

"Yup" I said while wrapping my hand in a bandage

"Come let go to lunch" he said while we walked out the dorm some how's the pain from my hand was worse then my ankle and now my ankle doesn't hurt

"Yah sure" I said while we were walking in the hallway

"So where are your brothers now" he asked

"At home I left them in their bed" I said

"Are your brothers overprotective" he asked

"Yah sometimes" I said He grabbed my arm and pulled me into a empty classroom

"Why are we he-" he kissed me before I could finish my sentence I kissed back

"I always wanted to do that" he said looking me in the eyes

"Yah me too " I said looking him in his dark brown eyes

" y/n I like you I like you a lot you make me feel a way that no one else made me feel before I never had someone to love after the day my parents die but then you came"


"Will you be my girlfriend y/n" he asked holding my hands

"Yes" I was so shocked at what just happens I actually felt happy I didn't feel that for such a long time

"Let's go to lunch now"he said while holding my hand"

"Yah let's go" I said leading him out of the class room we went into lunch and people eyes turned to us

I didn't know why until I remembered that I am holding Marcus hand I let go of his hand quickly and grabbed a lunch tray

"Go get us a spot to eat" I said

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