Chapter three

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I woke up in Hermione's room she was sleeping and I remember what happened last night I woke up Hermione

"Wake up we will be late for breakfast" I said while throwing a pillow at her head

"Ok ok" she got up and started to brush her teeth

" you don't mind me changing here right" I said trying to seem confident but truth is I am crying in the inside know what's gonna happen today

"Yah sure"

"Ok" I changed into my clothes and put on my robe with Doc Martins

"Ready Hermione" I said when I was ready

"Yah let's go how's your hand"

"It's ok I just hope no one notices" I said while pulling my sleeve down to hide my hand

"Don't worry you can eat with me and the boys so you don't have slytherins bugging you" she said while we are walking to breakfast

"Thank you Hermione" I said as we walk in great hall

I saw the Harry and Ron and sat down with them I felt eyes staring at me I turned my head to see who it was mattheo he was looking at my arm and I saw the my hand wasn't covers and I hid my hand

"I got you breakfast y/n" Hermione said

"Thank you bestie" I smiled and she smiled back

I used a muggle device called a cell phone and with another muggle device called headphones I listen to music for the rest of breakfast I heard them talking but I didn't care

"I am going to class" I got up and started walking out

And there he was the boy that started it all Malfoy I tried to ignore him but then I felt someone grab my wrist I took my elbow and elbowed them and kicked them in the chin and thankfully it was Malfoy if it wasn't that would have been bad like really bad

"Wtf Riddle" he said as he was in the floor in pain

"That's what you deserve after making my brothers turn against me" I said while putting my foot on his throat "now I got to go to muggle studies I said" as I walked away

"This isn't over Riddle" I heard him say as I walked away


I was walking inside the slytherin common room when I felt two hand push me against the wall choking me it was Malfoy I tried to get his hands off my neck but he was strong

" I told you this wasn't over" he said while cutting off my airway

I slid my wand into my hand and used a spell to make him go flying against the wall as I dropped to the floor and gasped for air

"Wtf You didn't need to choke me" I said as I was pointing my wand at him on the floor

He started walking up to me and I was trying to get up and I felt him kick me and the door open it was my brothers

"Crucio" I yelled as I was getting up and spit the blood out of my mouth

"OW STOP" he yelled in pain

" you should have thought about this before choking me and kicking me Malfoy" I said and removed the curse I left him on the ground and started walking away

I saw my brothers smirk and walk away as I went to my dorm to clean up when I felt a pain in my back and everything went black

I heard yelling as soon as I woke up I saw my brothers and Hermione yelling at them to get out

"Get OUT" Hermione yelled

"SHE IS OUR SIsTEr" Mattheo yelled

"YOU SHOULD HAVE THoUGHT ABOUT THAT BEFORE CALLING HER A DISGRACE" Hermione yelled at them and she noticed I woke up

"Omg are you ok y/n" she said while sitting down next to me

"Yah what happened" I said a bit dizzy

"Draco stabbed you with a knife in your back" mattheo said looking down

"That bitch " I said while looking at my hand

"You may go now y/n" madam Pomfrey said

"Ok" I said while getting up

Tom looked at my hand and so did Mattheo

"What happened to your hand y/n" Tom asked

"None of your business" I said while picking up my wand

I ran out of the hospital wing looking for Malfoy for my revenge that when I found him in the Astromny tower

"Crucio" I yelled pointing my wand at him

"OW STOP AHHHH" he screamed I didn't stop I heard people coming up the tower in was my brothers and hermione

"Maybe this will teach you not to mess with me malfoy" I said as blood came out of his mouth

"Your killing him" tom said

"I know I want hime to suffer" I said looking at Draco

"STOP TRAITOR" Tom yelled and let go of the spell on Draco

I pointed my wand at Tom and said "I am no traitor you just believe everything told to you even if it's lies told you believe them"

I looked back at Mattheo

"you I am your sister I am the closes to you in the family I am the only one who stops dad from beating you up and take the hits for you and you believe this piece of trash I thought you were different from Tom and Dad but no your just like them" I said to Mattheo

"No I am not" Mattheo said looking at me

"Sure tell that to your self" I said as I walked out with hermione and flipped them off on my way out of the tower


I hope you guys like it have a great day everyone 😊😇🤪

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