Chapter twenty eight

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I was with my brothers as I saw mattheo about to scream while holding Tom's hand when they gave him stitches I was laughing

"Y/N RIDDLE I AM GONNA KILL YOU!" I heard sOmOnE yell I turned around saw it was bill Weasly

"What did she do bill calm down!" Fred said as him and George held him down

"She killed fleur!" Bill said as tears went down his face when I realized fleur was the one who was with me that day she could have gotten the ring my eyes went wide when I heard maiac laughing in my ear as I fell covering my ears

"Think you killed meh nah I have plans for you y/n!" Belltrix yelled as she laughed my eyes turned white and my body started shaking as I saw flashes of mattheo and Tom dying

"STOP STOP!" I yelled while crying

"Watch them suffer!" Belltrix yelled

"YOUR NOT TOUCHING THEM!" I yelled as she made me throw my head back as foam filled my mouth and I couldn't breathe

"Y/n hold on!" I heard Tom yell

"Y/n!" Mattheo yelled as they shook me and I gasped for air when my eyes turned back to normal And my heart started burning as I cried from the pain

"If feel like I am dying" I said as I was struggling to breathe as Tom and mattheo were helping me as I started hallucinating and saw blood and dead bodies all over and I covered my face I heard people screaming in pain

"STOP!" I yelled

"Suffer from the inside but the outside you die" she says As I started seeing people I loved getting killed one by one

"GET OUT!" I yelled as I cried trying to make her stop

"Oh daughter it's crazy what a poly juice potion and a imperio curse can do huh" she said as she replayed me killing her

"It was a mistake I didn't mean too!" I yelled in pain

"Oh but you did kill her" she yelled in my ear as she laughed

"I didn't mean to kill her get out!" I yelled as my brothers shook me

"You are worthless child!" She yelled as I heard a gunshot and saw Marcus dead in the floor as I screamed in pain trying to make it stop

"Stop stop I didn't do anything!" I yelled as tears were streaming down my face as Tom and mattheo were trying to get me to snap out of it

"Oh but you did you killed your father fleur even your mother if you think about it you were the reason she died you killed more then a hundred people!" She said as she laughed

"I didn't kill mom shut up!" I yelled

"Shut up shut up shut up!" I yelled as she kept reapting you killed her over and over

"Stop!" I yelled as a wave of red energy went out of me making everyone fall back and I broke free as I was panting on the floor struggling to catch my breathe as her words didn't leave

"Y/n" Tom said as I started feeling wierd when I started floating and my hair started changing from brown to black and with white streaks and my school outfit changed to a dress and sneaker I fell down as my eyes turned black

"Nice for me to join you ehh" Belltrix said as she took over my body I was trying to fight from the inside

"Your not y/n" mattheo said

"No I am not but her body will kill you and she will feel the pain of her killing her own brothers" Belltrix said as I was screaming in my head

"Let me go Belltrix don't hurt them!" I yelled in my head as my body's eyes went back to normal

"Run!" I yelled as she took over again my brothers and everyone was running

"Come back here itty bitty riddles" she said as I tried fighting her off I got control of my body and pointed my wand to my head

"What are you doing child!" She yelled

"AVADA KEVEDRA" I yelled as I shot the spell at myself making me black out

I slowly woke up locked up in a cell

"Did I get kidnapped or did Tom lock me in here just to make sure belltrix won't take over" I said as I saw mattheo sitting on a chair

"Second one" mattheo said as I laughed

"You know I know you guys too...." I was saying and my eyes turned red mattheo doesn't have green eyes

"Oh figured it out already" she said

"Really trying to take over my brothers bodies to how pathetic"I said

"Well the Beatrix in you want to come out not this y/n nonsense come to mommy come on" she said as I looked at my hands

"You see blood cause your are a killer like me come on" she said as I was looking at my hands filled with blood

"Get out of his body" I said as I looked at her

"Beatrix my dear don't let them define you mother know best" she said as she opens the cell I didn't move

"I am not Beatrix I am y/n riddle and I will bow down to no one!" I yelled as she started laughing and nat Theo eyes turned back to normal and he collapsed as I rushed over to him

"I am sorry I am so sorry please be ok" I said as he started waking up as I was crying hugging him

"Y/n" mattheo sajd as I hugged him tighter

"Where's Tom" I said as we got up

"He is packing "mattheo said as we were running to Tom's dorm we opened the door and saw him packing

"Your leaving" I said

"Yes sorry I never meant to hurt you but it's time for me to start a life of my own" Tom said as I started crying

"But you can't I need you" I said as he heard the pain in my voice making him tear up

"I am sorry" he said as I hugged him and started begging him to stay as mattheo seemed cold as ice just standing there

"Please no please please" I said while choking on tears Tom pushed me off him grabbed his bag and left with mattheo as I realized he wasn't the only one leaving I started crying in Toms bed as I could barely see my eyes were red and puffy

I started laughing out of no where when I heard my mom

"They left because they don't want to deal with you come on" she said as she appeared in front of me with her hand out I wiped my tears and grabbed her hand as she hugged me and I hugged back

"I-I don't want to be me anymore" I said as she started laughing

"Come on Beatrix let's go home" she said as she smiled and laughed

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