Chapter seven

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I am taking a airplane to America never been on one before seems okay not sure it's safe but it will be fine I mean it should be fine i guess time to starts life all over again yay 😐

I grabbed my trunk and went in the a flying car from the Weasley the Fred let me use he said it's haunted but I think it's fine honestly the car was fun to ride in I wish I have one I started writing in my notebook when I got to the airplane

Dear notebook of a new beginning
I love everything but when it come to friends I don't really care it's just that I have been alone my whole life I don't really have a need for friends unless I didn't want to be as lonely maybe I will make new friends become someone I wanted to be I have my whole life to fuck around I only live once so fuck it I will do everything even if I hate it
Bye y/n

We finally arrived it was like eight hours I hated every second of that I am never gonna take a plane again as soon as I got out of the plane I instantly knew I fucked up I forgot to charge my phone and have no place to go now because I need my gps FUCK what am I gonna do now

You know what I will just live in a fucking box cause I can't find my apartment ugh all I had was my uniform from slytherin and my notebook and my backpack because my trunk was already taken to my house ugh what am I gonna do now ugh how am I gonna charge my phone if I don't have charger it in my TRUNK!!!!!

You know what imma be homeless it's fine ugh I was walking for about twenty min when I found a small looking twin under a bridge that had a lot of tents and boxes and people it's seemed nice but then I saw a man taking a kids notebook and taking a picture out of it and I wanted to help him but the man looked very scary if I had to be honest the boy left I didn't know what to do honestly

I took out my wand and put it up my sleeve just in case for later I never know with these people in America I started walking till I found a bench but there was a kid again he got there first he was sleeping so I ignored it and went to another bench and went to sleep

I woke up as soon as I did the kid was gone now how am I gonna find food for today this is gonna be a long day I was going through the trash and I found a half eaten sandwich score honestly I was happy cause I got something to eat I saw the boy drawing so I sat next to him he was on the sidewalk

"Hi I am y/n" I said next to him

"I am Marcus nice to meet you"

"How did you end up here"

"My parents died I lived in a boy home but they...."

"It fine you don't need to tell me"

"How did you end up here" he asked me

"I lived somewhere and I was someone I didn't want to be so I wanted a fresh starts but all that blew up in my face"

"Oh that seems oddly understandable but who were you that you didn't want to be"

"A bad person someone who was in trouble a lonely person my parents defined who I was"

"I get it being someone who you didn't want to be and escaping I would also run away"

"Hey some random people are coming towards us"

"Those people are the same from last night follow me run"

We were both running they were following us that when I took at my wand my dad said Crucio is a good way to get away but it hurt them but it's the only spell I can think of besides confringo which is a blasting spell

"Confringo" I said and pointed my wand at them they all blasted back

"What the hell"

"Explain later run now"


We ran as fast as we could until we didn't see them Then someone grabbed my arm and covers my mouth I yelled a muffle scream everything was black until they turned on the light me and Marcus were tied down to chairs and four teenagers behind a old man

"Why the hell are we here" Marcus said

"We want you two to join a school of people who hurt or murder people and use there skills for good and help them learn we also hide you from the cops" said the old man

Wait does that mean Marcus killed someone like me is he like me

" well what do you say" the old man looked at me then him

I looked at Marcus that looked at me I nodded thinking this might be for the best

"Yes"I said looking at the man and back at at Marcus

"Fine whatever" as soon as he said that I felt a sigh of relief

"Take them back to the school" the man said and all those teen circled us and untied us three of them were behind us and one infront leading the way making sure we followed

"There are some rules first one don't give off our location of the school or else your dead" said a girl with black hair

"The other rules are simple no disobedience no drugs and no sex"

"We find our ways around the last one"said a girl with big hair

It felt weird being here like if I did something they were like investigators looking at me I felt like I was doing something wrong every second and that was just the start


Hi guys hoped you liked it I just want to clarify Marcus and mattheo are different people and mattheo looks similar to Marcus but no a lot thank guy have a nice day or night

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