Chapter twenty seven

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"Daughter don't disappoint me your a lestrange" she said

"I am not you you are a monster who killed my mother and who gave me away because you were to irresponsible" I said as tears trickled down my face

"You are crazy when that thing goes off in your brain you turn into a derivation killer I watched all of what you did in that house I saw everything your just like me" she said as she approached me slowly and hugged me

"I am sorry mother" I said as I stabbed her in the back and took out the knife

"But no one gets away from hurting my brothers and my mother" I said as I saw her body get limp

"You killed your own mom" mattheo said

"I don't want to talk about it" I said as I wiped the tears off my face I went to Harry while blasting deatheaters

Me and Harry went to the forest were walking around with our wands in our hands

"Y/n riddle and Harry Potter came to die" Voldemort said

"No what are you guys doing here" hadgrid said when they hit him

"You dumb bitch I loved you I loved you I loved you it's true I wanted to be and do what you do until I found out you killed mom and made belltrix her sister do the dirty work don't think I didn't find this" I said throwing the book at the ground

"Oh daughter one day you will understand but not in this life" he said

"The price of your greed is your sons and your daughter for what power we'll guess what I have more then you ever will and if you think making my mom belltrix go kill my brothers to lure me here your wrong she is dead"I said as his expression changed

" you are a dumb daughter so that's why you always loose you are worthless" he said and I laughed like a maniac as he took out his wand

"Bye father" I said as he shot the spell at me and Harry

"Are they dead" he said as Cissy came I opens my eyes and silently said shhhh to Harry I saw him awake too

"Is draco ok is he alive" she whispered to Harry as he slowly nodded his head

"Dead" she said as me and Harry played dead as hadgrid carried Harry and me

"Y/n riddle and Harry Potter are dead" dad said as he started laughing

"Nooooo!" I heard my brothers and I tried not to break

"Come forth to join the right side before we kill you all" he said as neivelle went forward

"People die everyday but they didn't die in vein they died for us they died at the start for us now we fight the fight for them" neivelle said as me and Harry rolled Hadgrid

"Can't get rid of me that easily " I said as he turned around

"My daughter blood traitor" he said

"Yes that's me" I said

"Join me daughter we will rule side by side" he said

"What an offer but I don't need your power" I said

"You have so much good in the world and so much revenge in you and yet you don't join me" he said

"I like what your selling dad but there on teeny problem" I said

"You messed with my family" I said as I blasted al the deatheaters to the ground except Cissy and Draco as they screamed in pain

"Your not gonna win just you wait" dad said as I started laughing as I killed all the deatheaters except Cissy and Draco

"I killed all your deatheaters what do you think of that dad this is my perfect victory thats right I win!" I yelled as I blasted him to the ground and I had tears going down my face

"You killed my mother and now I kill you AVADA KEVEDRA" I yelled as my dad died in front of me I saw his body dead on the ground as tears went down my face I broke down on the ground

Thinking of my mom and belltrix making me rethink as I looked around I saw all the deatheaters I killed as I saw the school in rumble I used my powers as I put the school together as I screamed in pain as I put the whole school back like it was untouched

I started singing a song mom sung to me

"Flower gleam and glow let your power shine let the clock reverse bring back what once was mine what once was mine" I sung as I started glowing and all the dead bodies of students and teacher came back to life

I was crying uncrably I killed my mommy my dad and my mother is dead I kissed my dad on the head

"You used to be so good" I said as I got up and my brothers came running to me

"He picked his side" Tom said as mattheo was limping towards me

"I killed my parents" I said while crying

"Hey hey they deserved What they got when the flood water comes it won't look clear it will look like mud" Tom said

"We will help you swim we will help you swim" mattheo said

"It's no big surprise I turned out this way" I said as they wiped my tears

"You will make it out ok" mattheo said as he got in my level

"You are a dork I am not that short" I said while sniffling and they chuckled I looked at my dad for the last time

"Good bye father" I said as tears went down my face

"Bye dad" Tom said as I saw tears in his eyes

"Bye d-dad" mattheo tried saying as he choked on tears

I started walking away my brothers went to get mattheos legged looked at as I went to belltrix body on the ground

"Mom I am sorry but you never really were there thank you for making the person I became" I said choking on tears

"I am sorry for being a disappointment and killing you" I said sobbing

"Bye mom" I said as I closed her eyes and I started crying hugging her body I felt guilty for killing her to guilty

"Y/n" I heard Fred's voice as I felt him take me off my mom because they were gonna take her body

"No NO!" I yelled as I was crying and screaming for them to let me go as I cried and Fred stroked my hair calming me down as I cried into his chest

"I killed my parents how could you even look at me" I said as he let me go when they left with my moms body

"Because you did it for a good reason not because you wanted power you did it to protect the school your brothers" he said as he hugged me

"Where are my brothers" I said as I wiped my tears

"They are in great hall" he said as he lead me to them and I sat next to them and I Draco came in as he went over to me

"Why didn't you do it" Draco said

"Malfoy your family to me I can't betray family even if you are you" I said

"How long have you knew" he asked

"This morning when I found the book" I said

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