Chapter nine

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We ran outside and I saw Chico holding a knife up to throat and Marcus pushed up against the wall

"Expelliarmus" I yelled making the knife fall

"What the fuck was that" Chico said looking at me

"Shit" I mumbled I should have thought this through

"Grab her" he said while I pointed my wand at his friends

"Confringo" I yelled and made them all blast back and Marcus ran up behind me

"Stop they gonna come after you" Marcus said trying to make me to stop

"They we're gonna kill you Marcus I couldn't let them"

"Put the wand down" he said trying to lower my hand when I feel someone presence behind me

I kick behind my sewing Chico and he starts choke Ing me With the breath I had left I said it

"c-crucio" I said and he stopped choking me and he fell on the ground and started yelling in pain

"Fuck why did I do that I am gonna die he is gonna come they are gonna come shit shit shit" I started venting

"Snap out of it who is gonna come" he said while grabbing my arm and started shaking me Whitehall made the curse stop

"My brothers if they found out I did a unforgivable curse they are gonna make me become a death eater"

"It's fine they aren't gonna hurt you they are your brothers"

"Your really underestimating them" while I said that I saw all of Chico's gang was gone even him it's like they were scared

"It's fine how will they find out" Marcus said as we went inside

Then when we were not expecting it we heard Chico in the phone with them I don't even know how he knew them but all I knew I was screwed the only reason I wasn't a death eater is because I didn't do a unforgivable curse yet ugh what am I gonna do

"Forget it I will just become a death eater since they already know" I said with tears in my eyes and started running to my dorm and I closed the door before Marcus could get in

"Y/n I won't let them take you it's gonna be ok"

"It's not can't you see they are gonna take me back where I wanted to escape"

"Just let me in"

"Fine" I opens the door and let him in I honestly think he is the only person that could understand

"Why don't you wanna go back"

"There's a boy just like chico with a group of friends and he hates me and He hates me because I am a Riddle that I don't deserve my last name he could honestly take it I don't want to be a Riddle if it mean killing people"

"Then why did you come to this school"

"I came to hide I came to learn how to fight against my dad at the hogwarts battle"

"Oh so you are a good person"

"No I am not j use my power to my advantage I kill if I want not because my dad wants me to"

"Oh I get it now kinda we gtg before they find us"

"We got detention remember after you had the great idea to give someone as serum"

"Honestly worth it"

I rollled my eyes and we both started heading to detention there was the girl from when master lim talked to us and then there was a girl from our group a random kid and Chico yup hiding my wand up my sleeve I sat down and hid my wand

They started talking all out belongings and I was nervous that they would find my wand but they didn't I instantly went to the back of the class when they locked the door and Marcus followed me

"What are you doing" he asked

"I am gonna practice my magic now go away"

"Fine" he left to his desk

I wanted to do wandless magic it seemed cool that I didn't need my wand and do my magic whenever I want to I started off by doing a ball of energy it came out but it started sparking and


"Oops" I said while backing away from the books that are burned up

"What did you do!" The girl with black hair said I found out her name was saya

"I didn't mean too it just happened"

"I think it's fine it's was entertaining" Petra said

"No it's not fine just stay out of the way and don't make things explode" saya said

"Yah sure" I said while looking down and going to my desk

Chico was staring at me alike if he was crazy I heard footsteps coming toward the door so I started making a energy orb with my hands

"WHERE IS SHE" just great the Tom Riddle is here

"Hi brother" I said while walking toward him making red energy surrounded my hands

"Someone's mad" mattheo said while walking inside

"Just come with us and we won't hurt your pathetic friends" Tom said getting annoyed

"How about no" I said while blasting him with red energy

"RUN!" I told them all to go but they didn't where to go

"Crucio" mattheo yelled I blocked it with red energy

"You know the deal sister you can't avoid it"

" I did it on accident so leave me alone"

"Not a chance"

"Crucio!" They both yelled I could only block mattheos but Tom hit me right in the back

"OW STOP!" I started yelling in pain

"Then come with us" Mattheo said getting closer to me

"Let her go!" I heard Marcus yell

"Oh my sister has a lover boy maybe this will make you come with us" Tom said

"Stop don't hurt him!" I yelled

"Tom don't it's not worth it" Mattheo said

"Mattheo it's our task we don't do it we die whatever it takes" Tom said he looked dead inside I saw it through his eyes

"Let him go plz" I said the rest of the people started going closer to Tom behind him so he didn't see

"You forgot something I see we are cold blooded riddles we can't love or have feeling" Tom said getting closer to me grabbing Marcus's collar of his shirt

"Then i guess I am not a Riddle" I said looking him in the eye

"Mattheo kill her at least dad knows she is a disappointment she is only still alive because she was gonna be a death eater but I guess she can die now" Tom said while looking me in the eyes

"NO!" Marcus started yelling trying to make Tom let go of him

"Mattheo you aren't a monster we both know you will do it but regret it right after"

"I have to y/n" he said pointing his wand at my neck

"No you don't and you won't"

"What do you me-" before he finshed red energy came out of my body grabbing Tom and Mattheo

"Bye Marcus I hope I can see you again"

"No don't go"

"I am sorry"

I apparate with my brothers in the red energy holding them unconscious I go in the house knowing no one is in there I place mattheo in his bed and Tom on the couch

"Bye guys" I said silently


Hey guys I hope you like it have a nice day or night

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