Chapter six

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I packed all my things in my trunk and my wand I decided I will do magic outside of school it's not like I am gonna be a student here anymore anyways I used floo powder to get back home I sneaked up into my room no one knew I was here and stares out the window when I went to go get water I asked Ellie one of the house elf's if my dad was home he wasn't gonna be here for another week so I can stay home for a while until he gets back

I went outside to practice my fighting I put on my blue grappling gloves and started punching a tree bark started to come off I didn't mind mostly I started thinking my dad was the tree and I almost broke the tree down it started to slant that's when I stopped and went inside the house it was a bit quite to quite like if no one was here I loved it

"Y/n are you in here" Mattheo said

"What do you want"

"I was seeing if your ok"

"Yah I am now you can go"

"Will it kill you to be nice to your brother for once"

"It wouldn't but I rather not"

"Fine whatever I am gonna be at home with you for a couple of days"


"Wow you don't love me at all"

"I do but I wanted to be alone just stay out of my way okay"

"Fine" he rolled his eyes and went to his room

The clock started ticking it broke the silence all I heard was tik tok tik tok I had a feeling that I was gonna get shot my patience running thinner from this ticking clock

I wanted to break that clock so bad it's so annoying I want to escape reality if that was even possible I want to become a murder no one would care dad would be proud my brothers not so much maybe if I went to America I can make that all happen

I started writing all of my plan down an owl came in and crashed into the window oof that must hurt I took the letter and pointed the direction back to hogwarts he was the Weasly of course I knew that I read the note


Where are you I don't see you at school and you are practically missing at this point hermione is going crazy Ron and Harry didn't care until they saw how worried hermione was George is a mess thinking you died I don't even know why are you gone where have you gone plz answer

From yours truly
Fred Weasly

I didn't know they would care but shit I forgot to tell my bestie oh no she is gonna kill me what do I write back sorry I have left to my house to become a murder in America like what they would definitely hate me and not wanna be my friends anymore I went to the owl room and started writing


I left hogwarts because my brothers made me and I am at home and tell hermione that I am fine and for her to not worry and that I am moving to america for reasons don't tell anyone about me moving fred only you can know

I sent the letter off with my owl I went strait to my room and started packing

"Hey sis why are you packing" he said while opening my door

"None of your business and I am going far away from here"

"Where exactly so I can go annoy you when I want to"

"America" I said while putting the last of my things

"WHAT you can't go to America all alone"

"Yes I can and I will"

"You have no money"

"Yes I do actually I already have a place to stay too"

"Why are you even leaving in the first place"he said while taking my things out of my trunk

"Hey stop taking my things out and I am leaving to do Something for my life you wouldn't understand"

"Right killing people is doing something for your life now"

"I never said I was gonna kill people"I said while putting my things in my trunk and locking it

"didn't have to I read the paper you left it in the owl room"

"And yet you decided ask what I am doing and annoy me"

"Yes and I think dads gonna be proud but you shouldn't do that it's not you"

"You don't know me Mattheo you just say you do you barely talk to me if you do it's because I am in trouble and there was a problem" I say while pushing him out of my room

"Hey I do know you stop kicking me out"

I slammed the door shut so he won't get in and pushed my couch infront of the door to block him from getting in I wanna rethink about going to america but I think it was for the best

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