Chapter eight

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They gave me this uniform it looked like the boys uniform just that girl have skirts I have a dorm all to myself I think it was ok for right now so if I switch dorms I actually know the person not just go in and be like hi I am new

Honestly I wish me and Marcus had the same dorm I met up with Marcus and we walked down the hall going to our lockers that were next to each other everyone was starring I wanted to die right there

Marcus open his locker to get his book so did I when a girl came up to us

"Hi I am Maria do you speak Spanish"

"No sorry I don't I am y/n"

"I don't I am Marcus"

Then this boy came up to her and started talking to her I think they are dating honestly but the boy had tattoos and looked like he could kill you in a second

"Why are you talking to rats"

"I just thought they could join the club"

"No they can't" the boy said

Then out of no where me and Marcus were about to walk away when he started choking here like hell no I punched him right in the nose

"Who the fuck do you think you are" he said while shoving me into locker and punching me

"You should learn how to respect a lady" I said while wiping the blood off my nose

"Yah well" he pushed me back in the locker and started choking me I tried to loosen his grip when Marcus pushed him off of me and I fell straight to the ground trying to catch my breath

"Get off of her"Marcus said when he pushed him off

Two people in black cloaks came by and he immediately stopped I think they were teachers but I am not sure at this point this place should burn down Marcus grabbed my arm and helped me up

"Are you ok" he asked

"I should be fine"

"You two are dead" the man said as he walked away and Maria looked at him walk away

"I am so sorry about Chico" Maria said

"He is just a bitch" I said

"More like a living hell" Marcus said

Me and Marcus both walked away to our first class and I didn't pay attention until a girl gave Marcus a note and the old man from earlier hit her in the face with his cane I held in my laugh not making a sound she started bleeding but she deserves it not disobedience is a rule and she broke it

Class is over and I walked out really fast and started walking to lunch when a man in a cloak gave me a box I opens it and it had a rats skeleton ewww Marcus came running to me

"Y/n" he said while catching his breath


"Look" he passed me a paper from the girl in class earlier and it said you and y/n are dead meat

"Ignore it let just go to lunch"

"Fine did you get the rat two"

"Yup it's disgusting imma get food try to find us a spot to eat"

"Ok can you get my food too then"


I went to get the food while Marcus was getting us a table I tried to avoid Chico and his group but it seems like they were all staring at me while I was walking to Marcus with our food and then it happened he pushed me and all the food fell on me

"What the fuck is your problem" I said while getting up and I saw from the corner of my eye Marcus getting up and coming over

"You are my problem rats stay rats you should respect the superiors" he sounded just like Draco

"I hope you don't mean yourself" I said while backing up but then he friends grabbed me
"Let go of me" I said trying to get out of their grip

"No I think they are good how they are" he said while he punched me

"Let go of her Chico" Marcus said while getting in front of me

"Yah no you shouldn't interfere if you don't want to get hurt" Chico said while pushing Marcus away and his other friends grabbed Marcus

He punched me again and then I fell and he started kicking me all I heard was Marcus screaming to let him go and then everything went black

(Time skip one day later)

I wake up in my dorm fuck ow my head

"Good your awake" I heard Marcus say

"I am fine let's go to class"

"No your gonna get hurt again or worst he is after you he only stopped because master Lin came in and put him in detention after that he would've killed you"

"I said I am fine you sound like my brothers"

"Fine but I gonna be with you the whole time"

"Fine come on we are gonna be late to class and I need to get ready"

I started brushing my hair and put on my uniform and wiped some blood off my face

"Let's go Marcus"

We went to class Marcus was helping to poison a kid with a potion while I was drawing My whole day went by I made friends Marcus mostly hangs out with them I do too just that I practice my magic while he is with them

I was practicing my magic when Maria barged in

"It's Marcus he is gonna die" Maria said out of breath

"Where is he" I said while picking up my wand to use my magic against them

"Follow me" Maria said and started running


Oooo cliffhanger I always wanted to do that lol I hope you liked the story for today by have a great day or night

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