"Call me your Boyfriend"

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Jake's Point of View
I woke up to see I wasn't sleeping in my room...wait a minute...

I turn my head slightly and I see Drew asleep next to me, in his bedroom. I can't remember last night...

Last Night 10:49PM (NO POV)
Drew sighed in disappointment. "Come on Jake, let's go now." Drew insisted. "One last drink, please?" Jake begged. "We've been at this club for an hour and you're totally wasted! I was planning on staying for 30 minutes." Drew complained. "Okay Drew." Jake scoffed in defeat.

Jake was all over the place, he could barely walk straight. Drew sighed and picked him up as Jake fell loose into his arms, closing his eyes. Drew felt bad for letting Jake get drunk without his mother's permission, hopefully it would stay between the two of them. He let down Jake into the passengers seat, and put his seatbelt over him starting the car.

Jake looked pale and exhausted. Drew knew he couldn't take him home like that so he decided it was best for him to stay at his house.

When they finally pull up at Drew's house he lifts Jake and walks him inside and on the sofa.

"I'll be two seconds, stay here." Drew said giving Jake a firm look.

Drew walked back to the car and grabbed their bags and phones. He came back to see Jake, who had already passed out on the lounge.

Jake looked better than he did in the car, he had gotten less pale and looked calm. Drew picked him up and went upstairs to his bedroom, placing him down on his bed and pulling his duvet over Jake.

Jake went to find his phone to check the time.

Jake's Point of View
9:36?! Mom is going to be so worried! I was about to get up and call her when Drew's eyes fluttered open, looking at me wondering what I was doing. "Morning dork, you still hungover?" Drew asked with a grin. "Wait what? I wa- hey did you tell my mom about me staying over?" Jake set his mind to more important issues. "Don't worry I sorted out everything" Drew replied. "Thanks Drew, you're a great boyfri-uhh you're a great friend" I stuttered on my words. Shoot! I just called him my boyfriend! We only kissed once Jake you don't know if you guys are dat-"You can call me your boyfriend you know." He let out a small giggle. "Phew" I sighed with relief.

Drew's Point of View
I'm glad Jake is fine now, he's hard work when he's drunk. My dad had told me he wouldn't be home till Friday, so I didn't need to sort that out. "We are way too late to go to school today, I know how to fake my dad's voice pretty well if I do say so myself" I grinned. "The stage is yours" Jake laughed.

I dialled the school on no caller ID.

"Hello this is Mary speaking"

I cleared my throat and put on a deep grumpy voice.

"Hello this is Grant, father of Drew surname*, I'd like to inform you that him and his friend Jake Sterling cannot attend school today."

"And why would that be sir?"

"Uhh- sorry you're breaking up Mary"

I muted myself and asked Jake "Quick what do I say?!"

"Just say we have a cold!"

"I was asking why can't they attend today sir"

"Ohh! They both have caught a cold, I think it would be too risky for their other classmates."

"Oh okay! Make sure you tell them to get well soon."

"Thank you! Bye!"

Drew hung up and they both bursted out laughing. "Gee you really do sound like your dad!" Jake giggled. "Told you so." Drew smiled.

"Let's go somewhere for breakfast, i'm bored" Drew suggested. "Okay, what about that small cafe around the corner?" "Yeah that sounds great." Drew replied.

They both went to get dressed when Jake realised he didn't have any clean clothes.

"Here take this, you can wear it" Drew handed Jake a grey shirt and black jeans. "Thanks!"

Jake changed into the clothes he gave him, noticing the scent of Drew on the shirt. He couldn't help but smile at himself. "What's so funny?" Drew said intrigued. "Nothing..." he replied smiling "Obviously there is something, don't leave me out of it."

"Well...this is just so surreal. I mean, us, together was always a dream of mine I knew would never come true...and here I am, calling you my boyfriend...I love you." the room was silent for a moment. Drew's face grew bright red. "That was really cheesy but romantic you know, I love you to Jake!" Drew cleared his throat. "I-I mean-...yeah" He was embarrassed of being so excited about his love for Jake, but knew what he said was the truth. "Pffffft, you're adorable" Jake replied knowing he was flustered.

Drew pulled Jake closer and kissed him, it lasted for quite a moment until they let go of eachother and took a breath.

⚠️Don't underage drink guys

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