Zoning Out

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"Here are your meals boys!" the lady smiled as she placed down the two plates of french toast. "Thank you!" Jake replied. "Looks delicious." Drew chimed in.

"Hey I got my allowance on Monday, I'll pay" Drew insisted. "Are you sure? I can pay if you'd like!" Jake felt guilty even though he knew he had a lot of money on him. "Don't worry about it, it's what boyfriends do." Drew brushed off. Jake's heart was filled with warmth hearing Drew call him his boyfriend. Jake gave him a comforting smile. He grabbed Drew's hand from across the table to hold it, rubbing his hand softly. Drew was flustered but at the same time under the hypnosis of Jake's eyes.

Drew's Point of View
I had zoned out completely, only focussed on Jake when I could hear a faint voice calling my name.

Hey Drew?...earth to Drew?!...DREW!

I snapped out of it. "Huh?" I said confused, until I saw who were next to me. Henry and Liam. "Seems like we've interrupted a little date here!" Henry teased. "What the hell are YOU guys doing here?!" I was not in the mood for these two.

"We skipped school because I had a history assignment due and I haven't started, we were going to go to the mall and saw you guys through the window. Took me a while to get your attention Drew, you were under the spell of Jake." Liam explained smirking.

"Do you ever shut up?" Drew rolled his eyes. "Aww...looks like someone's a little embarrassed!" Henry laughed. He blushed having nothing to say. "I will make a complaint to the waiter and tell them you are disrupting my breakfast if you don't stop talking about my business." Drew glared. "Okay okay!" Henry backed down. Jake watched the whole conversation unfold, not taking part but blushing a certain statements made about him and Drew.

"So...Drew, want to go to the mall?" Jake asked eagerly. "Sure, it's not like we had any plans..." Drew replied.

Drew's Point of View
I DID have plans, I was going to take Jake somewhere...special. It seemed like he would prefer going to the mall anyways, maybe another time. It's probably for the best, I'm horrible at being romantic.

"Drew you really don't need to pay for my meal, I feel guilty!" Jake reminded me. "Relax Jake, like I said, I have plenty of cash" I assured him.

After they had finished their meals and payed, the four boys walked to the mall together.

"I'm starving!" Henry complained. "Me too, let's go to the food court." Liam chimed in. "We just ate so, I guess we can meet up in a bit" Drew suggested. "Yeah okay" Liam replied. Jake and Drew walked in the different direction.

As soon as the two boys were out of sight, Jake and Drew locked hands. "Where do you want to go first?" Drew asked. "R&Js just opened, have you seen their new keychain accessories? They're adorable!" Jake smiled. "No I haven't, why don't you go show me them?" Drew offered. "Okay" Jake eagerly walked in the Store with Drew.

Drew's Point of View
After looking through the store for around 5 minutes, Jake pointed towards a keychain rack near the cash register. "Ooh! Look at this one!" Jake said intrigued, he's so cute when he's excited. He gently grabbed a heart-shaped keychain off and handed it to me to examine it.

It said...

J x D? "I don't get it...Oh wait! I get it!" I laughed slightly. He smiled at me with a slight blush on his face.

My first initial thought was this was so cheesy. But when I looked over to Jake he seemed really invested, I grabbed my credit card out of my pocket to buy it but was quickly stopped by Jake. "Wait, do you like it?" He asked gently. "Of course I do!" I replied hoping I didn't give him a cold attitude. "You don't have to buy it...I don't want you wasting your money on me!"

Those words sunk in. I don't want you wasting your money on me!

Nobody has ever cared about how much money I spent...Zoey never cared, even if I had told her my allowance was short some weeks because she had spent it all so quickly. She would spend all of my money, leaving me with barely 20 dollars for my meals.

"Drew?" Jake asked me making me aware of my surroundings again. "Crap, sorry." I replied. "Do you need to sit down or something?" He looked at me worried. "Oh no not at all. I'm gonna buy you this keychain now." I said with no hesitation. "Are you sure? I feel bad" Jake said again...why does he care about my money so much? "100% Jake. You can't make me change my mind" I said while placing the keychain on the counter and tapping my card.

The breakfast was only $18, the keychain was only $8...what's up with Jake and being so cautious of how much i'm spending?

i'm really sorry how long this took to get out, i started half of this a month ago but never finished. hopefully my publish schedule will be normal from now on!

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