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"What the hells going on?" The arcade manager walked towards us with furrowed eyebrows. "Shit." I hear Liam say under his breath.

"Uh i'm really sorry, you see the machine got stuck and I thought I could get the chocolates out by shaking it a little an-" "You don't shake machines. You ask for assistance." The manager scowled. "R-right sorry!" Liam said anxious. We all know why, he's left a great big mark on the side of the machine leaving paint to chip off the wall.

The manager gets the chocolates from the machine and turns to the side to reveal the mark. "Well would you look at that, a job that'll be a good 50 bucks to repair, I don't assume you have the money on you." Liam froze and slowly shook his head.

Drew sighed and pulled out his wallet "Take this sir, we are extremely sorry for the inconvenience." The manager took the 50 dollar bill and left us with a disappointed glare.

"Let's get out of here" Drew sighed.

I felt bad, Liam's responsibility was left for Drew to handle...I guess I am a hypocrite. (flashbacks to chapter 6 start)

"Dude that was so scary did you see the look on his face?" Liam laughed it off. "I know right! You were like frozen" Henry joined in.

"Thanks Drew?" Drew glared at Liam waiting for his appreciation. "For what?" Liam questioned. "You kidding? I just paid that guy 50 bucks because you decided you were gonna shake a machine like it wasn't gonna hit the wall!" Drew snapped.

"Dude, you're loaded. 50 bucks won't hurt"

"Is that all you see me as? Your wallet? Hey Liam! Imagine if i wasn't there. Just you sitting there with an old guy waiting for you to cough up the money. What would you do huh?"

"It was your choice to take it out! Why do you care so much anyway? You wouldn't be so pissed about it if JAKE needed the money. Stop picking favourites"

"And you wouldn't be so ungrateful if Henry took out money." Drew decided it was stupid to argue, leaving him with a calm response.

The four went silent for a moment.

"Thank you Drew, you stuck up rich boy."

Drew froze in shock and looked at Liam shattered.

"Guys..." Henry tried to break the tension.

"Very mature Liam." Drew tugged onto Jake's hand and walked in the other direction. Henry and Jake exchanged a wave and a 'what the hell just happened' face.

After they were a far enough distance, Drew started. "Sorry, my temper got the better of me. I didn't really want a thank you until I felt unappreciated."

"I'm not mad" Jake explained "Although it's unhealthy for you both to have this tension" "I know, but i'm not apologising first." Drew muttered. "This is why it's not gonna work, you guys are too stubborn. I love Liam but we both know he isn't going to give in" Jake tried to explain. "I know that too..." Drew checked his watch.

"Do you want to go back to yours?" Drew asked him. "Yea I should see my mom. If it's not a bother, can I grab a lift?" "No i'll just make you walk for an hour on the highway" Jake laughed and wrapped his arm around Drew's shoulder.

After they walked back to Drew's house they went and grabbed Jake's clothes "You can give the clothes your wearing back to me another day" Drew said folding them "Oh thank you"

Drew started the car and waited for Jake.

"Bye Drew, Thank you!" Jake smiled as they pulled into his driveway, giving him a small kiss. "Bye bye" Drew replied with a small blush. Jake got out of the car and waved at him.

Jake's Point of View
"Mom! I'm home" I shouted to greet my mom. "Jake! I heard the news, congratulations!"

What news? "News?" "You got yourself a boyfriend silly! After all these years I thought you weren't going to find love, this is so great for you!" My mom exclaimed.

"How do you know about that?" I said in an anxious tone. "Drew told me, that's why I didn't go off my brain when you didn't come home" She explained. "Oh yeah...I guess it is pretty great for me" I shyly smiled.

Drew's Point of View
I sat in my room staring at the wall.

I guess he wasn't wrong, I am a stuck up rich boy. I didn't need the thank you, until he refused. This is stupid, such a little argument escalated so quickly. Screw it.


Hey Liam, I apologise for the way I acted earlier, I shouldn't have snapped.
Read 3:56pm

No answer, I feel like i'm back in kindergarten again.


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