Treasures of the Unknown

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Tommy had just entered the gates when he saw all the precious treasure around the room.

They were all displayed in glass cases, each one with a book in front of it with information about the specific jewel, gem, or metal.

He was really excited and saw everyone else scurrying to look at each one.

He did the same thing and walked up to what looked like an amber.

He picked up the leather book and unbuckled the strap holding it shut.

Immediate pages of words flashed by his eyes. Words of all sorts were passing into his brain.
He did his best to read it but he wasn't having any luck. The words just didn't sound out right.

"P-po-ne-x" he was stuck on the word and couldn't pronounce it at all. As he was trying to read it, two kids raced by and stuck their noses to the glass.

"Look! It's the Phoenix Amber!" One said.
"I heard that it was found by the side of a volcano! That it was a gift from the bird itself!"
The other exclaimed.

Tommy looked up from his book and stared into the shiny sunset gem.

Phoenix Amber huh? It looks pretty valuable.....

he continued gazing at jewels and gems around him until he saw another one that peaked his interest.
It was a beautiful deep ocean blue. It sparkled in the sunlight and seemed to be quite the popular one.

He went over to the glass case and opened the book up.
It read:
Found at the bottom of a lake, a fisherman picked it up and sold it for hundreds of gold coins. It was however robbed by a thief and was lost for twelve years. Finally it was found at an auction where King Pettop bought it. It now runs in the Royal Family, an artifact that they like to call their own. It is called the Aqua Scale.

Some of the words he didn't understand either but he did know it was important to the Royal family.

And that it was worth stealing.

After minutes of spying each precious treasure around the castle, he decided on three things
the ones that seemed the most valuable.

The Aqua Scale,
the Phoenix Amber,
and the Vipers Emerald.

However these ones were heavily guarded so he needed a way to break into the cases without getting caught.

He thought of a way though.

Disguise and pickpocketing.

First he looked around until he spotted a guard.

He then pretended to bump into him and grabbed a dagger on his belt. He hid it behind his back as he turned around to apologize to the guy.

"Sorry about that! I wasn't looking where I was going sir!" He said.

It convinced the guard and he was off his trail. Tommy turned around and smirked as he gazed into the sharp object in his hand.
A diamond dagger finely smoothed to perfection.

He then headed around the place and found one guard sleeping in a chair.

He slowly took his helmet off and placed it on his head. He then removed his chest plate and put it on as well. It was all quite heavy and large but he managed to move around in it.

He then set off to find the guards around the castle. He found one and walked up to him.

"Ah! Hello Steve! What's up?" He asked. Tommy altered his voice and made sure it sounded manly as he was a big man.

"it's going good! Hey, uh the general asked for everyone to meet up, he wants to talk about something." He said.

"Huh I wonder what it is. I'll gather the guys and meet you there!" He said and jogged away.

Tommy grinned widely under the metal hat and he watched the guards leave their posts.
He then went around the castle once more and began slicing through the glass.

He first cut through the class case containing the Vipers Emerald.

He safely retrieved it and tucked it into his brown potato sack. He then moved on to the Aqua Scale.

He pierced the glass as well and reached in for the jewel. It was quite smooth and was quite cold.

When he put it in his sack, his fingertips were red. After he placed it in, he move on to the last gem.

The Phoenix Amber.

Just like the last two he cut the class and reached in to grab to the jewel. When he touched it however, he felt a scorching hot feel touch his skin.

He did his best to hold back his pain but he let out a Yelp of pain.
He immediately put his hands over his mouth.

He looked around and saw all kinds of eyes looking in his direction.

Before he knew it, one lady screamed,


Uh oh, looks like Tommy's in trouble. What do you think might happen next? Will he escape like always or will he get caught?

Thanks for reading and remember, drink plenty of water, eat threes meals a day, and get a good nights sleep. Unless you wanna stay up ;)

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