And So It Begins....

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Rushing through the Forest of evergreen blades and many sprouts of vivid colors on the ground, Drista felt a pit begin to form at the bottom of her stomach.

This gut feeling she suddenly felt caused her body to tense up and just put it on edge.

She didn't stop bouncing through the plants however and continued leading her squad to what could either be victory or defeat.

She positioned the men and women accordingly and surrounded the base of the structure, closing her eyes as she checked her surroundings.

She heard the bushes rustle from bunnies and birds chirp with the wind blowing softly, nothing out of the ordinary.

Turning to the knights, she nodded to them and saluted them as they saluted back. Waiting now for the signal, they waited patiently, all of them wondering, trying to imagine what might happen next.

Noticing the suddenly fast breathing behind her she saw that the guards were just as nervous as she was. Looking into there eyes, she read the eyes twitching and darting all over the place.

She was afraid herself but she had to bottle it up in order to fool her crew.

"Hey guys, it's okay, we're going to fight and whether we die we know we have contributed to the cause. Be brave, don't you dare back down unless ordered too for a tactical retreat. Calm yourself down." She said in a soft genuine tone, different from her usual, scolding, serious one.

Closing her eyes to observe the surroundings again, she heard a strange bird noise different from the others and traced it back to its source. Realizing it was the other squadrons positioned correctly she relaxed a bit.

She had to admit she was strangely calm under the circumstances of the current situation.

She found something unusual though as she focused at the base of the volcano. No guards decided to protect it, the wound of Mother Earth.

It puzzled her and her gut was beginning to really gurgle and gush as she got the worst feeling from the churning of it.

Feeling a pair of eyes gazing down upon them, she looked at the other two.

They both noticed the fear in her eyes as she looked up, both of them following her actions as they all stared at a pair of menacing green pupils.

"Well...funny you're here....little sister..." he sneered, Drista scoffing at his words.

"You're not my older're a monster..." she spat, the figure touching there the place where there heart would be.

"Ouch, that matter, you're forces will soon fall to my army anyway..." a low growl sounded as Drista looked around and saw multiple figures cloaked by the cover of darkness, camouflaging from the forest.

Looking back up at him, she collected her saliva and spit on the ground, rolling her shoulder and cracking her neck as she looked at the other two and held up her hand.

"I'll play you're game...but I will warn you, you won't be winning that easily.." She taunted, letting her arm fall, multiple grunts landing in all different directions around her as castle guards appeared and all got in there fighting stances, prepared.

The man just smirked and gave a subtle yet noticeable nod and suddenly the whoosh of leaves sounded as Drista felt the world's clock begin to slow. Seeing the shadow figure run out slowly, as if they were in water, she quickly dodged and moved out of the way.

The world returned back to normal speed and she yelled out in warning, watching as a few guards fell to the ground.

"ATTACK!!!" She yelled.

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