Unraveling the Past

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Drista reported her findings to Phil but she didn't mention the trap just yet.

After all, she hadn't completely placed her trust in these people and didn't exactly know what would happen.

And she knows what happens when you let your emotions consume rather then thinking logically.

She cooped herself in Tommy's old room as she paced back and forth. She was trying to think of the most logical response she could give to the current situation and she needed to think of one fast.

Time was not on anyone's side and she knew that it wouldn't be gracious this time either.

Karl nodded as he agreed with Drista's points.
He looked at the hour glass in the back of book and saw that it's sand was getting close but not quite there.

It's gonna run out soon....I need more time..

he grumbled as he continued through the story.

She made her way towards the garden of the castle, a place she had grown fond of. She walked over towards some lavender bushes as she sat down.

"So many glorious beings of nature and yet I can't remember the simplest of them..what do they call you again huh?" She asked, speaking to no one in particular.

"That's called a lavender bush,"
Drista looked behind her to see a blonde woman sweetly smiling at her.

"Ah yes..lavenders..." she said as the wind brushed against her cheeks, her hair swaying in the breeze.

"Hi there, i haven't seen you before...as a matter of fact its been a while since anyones poked their head in the garden..."

Drista cocked her head to the side in confusion. "And why is that?" she asked.

"I don't remember....but according to Wilbur, he said that this is where Tommy would spend all his time...he also loved to climb that big oak tree over there,"

She pointed at a great oak tree and Drista followed the finger to the pointed direction.
She gasped as she felt a strange attachment to the tree.

She walked towards it and could feel an overwhelming feeling of power emitting from the being. She slowly reached her hand out as she felt the smooth bark.

It felt warm and comforting...

like it was trying to protect something.

Drista felt her conscious slip from her body as it fell onto the floor, Niki just barely catching her.


Drista fluttered her eyes open as she looked around. She found herself in a strange place.

She was floating in air and it was a shiny abyss that looked like there were crystals embedded in it.
She looked in front of her as a small ember and starting swimming through the air towards it.

She felt her body warm up, but not to the boiling point, but like a warm bubble bath.

She felt...safe.

An amber emitted embers that swirled around her and sparked up, causing mini harmless explosions. She looked at the glistening amber, a fire inside of it, burning passionately.

She slowly cupped her hands around the jewel and looked deeper then just the surface.
Through the crust, to the very core.

There, thousands upon hundreds of faint heart beats could be heard.
She could hear every single one and could feel them, beating softly but hastily.

She loosened her grip and closed her eyes softly, letting herself sinking deeper into the abyss.
She found herself in a memory.

As she looked around she found the great creature themself.

"A Phoenix..."
she saw a woman standing by the Phoenix.

"What else is there? Please...tell me.." she begged.

"The Phoenix race had two objectives: being balanced and staying hidden. They evolved to a certain point where they were able to mess with memory....the tears of one are blessed with the ability to heal those who have been hurt...doesn't matter where...a Phoenix tear is a vital ingredient to healing others....but there's always a price.... The first time you use it on someone, they forget...so if you get hurt and he cries and he heals you...your memory will be wiped...but" he let out a deep sigh as he continued. "It takes time, but you can retrieve them back....but only through a special gem...one that could either evolve all as we know it or be the very downfall of humanity itself..."

The woman listened while humming in reply.

"We Phoenix's call it the Everlasting Ember but you humans gave it the nickname 'The Phoenix Gem' you humans are not a creative species.."

he said as he looked out onto the field of flowers they stood in.
Drista looked at all of them, admiring the colors, the one thing that seemed to be vibrant in her life.

The memory glitched however as it showed a weak bird, a nest nestled behind them.
The bird was wounded and it looked up at the three hunters in front of them.

Drista found herself stunned, and unable to move. "No....no...he..he would never..."

but as the crossbow was released, the ringing in her ears proved her otherwise.

Dream had killed the Legendary Phoenix, no mercy, nor regret present in his actions.

She heard the quiet wails of a child and looked at the nest.

A 4 year old strawberry blonde laid nestled and crying for their guardian. The Phoenix gave no reply, there heartbeat, no longer there.

Drista felt her heart sink at the sight.
She looked at his friends behind him and saw a man with black raven hair hand him a block covered in buttons.

"What this bitch supposed to do again?"
the raven haired boy asked.

"Well, it will alter his memory....he'll think he has a family when in reality..its just hallucinations designed to interact with him, and make people think hes crazy and break him...then once hes on the ground...we take that Phoenix Gem and control the entire world as we know it..."

Dream cackled with laughter as the memory collapsed and Drista felt herself be pulled into the hallucination that Dream had set up for him.

There, she saw, a mother, a father, and the boy all going camping. Suddenly, mobs emerged and took the father, then the mother.
The boy escaped on a horse.

It all happened so fast and yet, she could understand each second.

She saw that little boy grow older and she felt like the world had shattered.



Hehe, hope you enjoyed!

Remember, drink plenty of water, eat three meals a day, and get a goodnights sleep, unless you wanna stay up ;)

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