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Planning and strategizing for hours they went on and on until they all finally began to fall asleep out of exhaustion, one by one.

It had been a couple of days of endless planning and time was also being used up...

Karl sat in the library, running his fingers through his hair as he scratched at his scalp anxiously. Slowly losing sense of time, his whole entire being fading.

This is only one of them and I'm already being split by the seems! Damn! What should I do? The more time I spend here, the more it's gonna cost for when I get back! What do I do? What do I do? What do I do? WHAT DO I DO?

The story he was reading was getting him nowhere and he didn't know what to do next and he was running out of options.

This timeline was starting to fall out of order and Karl needed some way to stop it from stepping out of line.

I need time! I need so much more time! I can't time travel back to get more though! My memory won't be able to handle it! Besides, I don't know how much energy I have left, I only know I have a little bit to do one jump back and I need it to get home and rest! Man, i wish there were mor-

he snapped his fingers immediately.

That's it!

He began searching the library, standing up and running with the story under his arms and using up the last of his strength to venture to a certain section hidden within the library.

Up the steps he ventured, climbing the tower higher and higher until he finally reached the door.

Gripping the doorknob firmly, he thrusted it open and walked inside, looking around, gazing at the shelves, the various letters, names, titles, and book spines spinning around his head as he tries to calculate where the whereabouts of the book was.

He began searching, sifting through each spine until he felt the right texture.

Sorting through this library for about a year, you learn a few tricks along the way.

Of course, knowledge was something that you could never truly stop finding, you always learned something new, no matter if you wanted to or not.

Karl felt his hand grasp the rough and hard surface of the book as he pulled it off the shelf, sitting down on the carpet in the middle.

If there's one thing I know, there's always at least more than multiple of a single person in timelines...taking that into consideration, the Karl in this timeline must have some answers!

The shiny gold ring around his neck sparkled a bit as he ran his fingers over its smooth surface as he felt the memories swell up his heart.

I'll come back over and over again if I have too...I'm not gonna forget you two!

And with that, he unbuckled the strap and opened the book, beginning to read.

Karl had been running for what felt like ages until he painted out of exhaustion and his legs gave out.

He crashed into the ground, landing on soft luscious grass as he did his best to steady his breath.

Lifting himself up, then crashing onto his back, he looked up at the cloudy sky, watching as they drifted along the breeze.

The trees rustled above him, the chirping of birds harmonizing as they sang in the glory of the sunlight, their notes glowing with passion as Karl watched and listened to every single one.

A strange noise in the bushes however caused him to perk up and look around. He was out of breath but he wasn't going to go down with a fight.

He crept quietly towards the bush, cautious of his surroundings and looking around to see if any of his possible escape routes were blocked.

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