The Mind of A Thief

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Tommy walked with Phil as many people stared at them. He had to admit it felt kinda awkward being there just days after trying to rob the family.

He saw disappointed nods and eyes that spoke of utter disgust. He was used to it though.

He pretended not to hear the gossip around him as he slowly let the bullets sink in. thief.....

he breath became slightly shaky as he made his way to a strange house. Some guards were parked outside and he was even more surprised to find his teacher among them.

"Mr. Purpled?! What the hell are you doing here?!" Tommy asked.

"Well you see Tommy, I'm a Royal guard, I work as both your teacher and your guard," he said.

Philza initiated a conversation with Purpled and Tommy just sat there having to wait for ages.

Can't they hurry this shit up? I've been waiting for such a goddamn long time!
He complained in his head.

After a good five long minutes of waiting Tommy finally saw Phil turn around.

"Tommy over here," he gestured. Tommy followed behind, earning some weird glances from metal men.

Tommy looked at the house Phil was guiding  him towards and took some mental notes for later.

Phil then stopped right infront of the building then looked at Tommy. He crouched down beside him.

"Tommy, I need a little favor....we need to know what happened here, do you think you can help us figure it out?" He asked. Tommy sat there stunned. The King? Needs my help?!?!

"Pardon?" Tommy said. Phil just chuckled.

"Tommy, we have been on these guys' trails for days but today we were a bit lost. We need to see things from their perspective. We need to see the thieves point of view," Tommy nodded.

Ah I think I get it now...

He took a deep breath then climbed about the place. He walked through the door and saw the broken vase which was knocked over.

He looked around the place and saw some dirt on the ground. However it wasn't  just some dust, it was in the shape of something.

In the shape of a foot.

He followed the dirt steps all the way up to the second floor. There he saw a vanity which was trashed, along with more dirt around it.

He looked around more but saw no broken Windows. He walked towards the front door.

The lady he presumed the house belong too was outside. "When you went downstairs, was the door locked?" He asked her. The woman nodded.

"I don't understand, everything was locked, no windows were broken!" She said. Tommy thought for a moment then went back inside the house to investigate.

Wilbur and Techno were meanwhile making their way to the house.

"What do you think Dad is having Tommy do?" Wilbur asked. Techno just shrugged.

"Don't know what he's planning on doing. What could he see in Tommy that he doesn't see in us?" Techno asked.

Wilbur shrugged his shoulders this time.
"Don't know..." he replied.

Soon he and Techno spotted Phil and went up to him. Wilbur looked around.

"Where's Tommy?"
"In the house" Both of their eyes widened.

"Relax, I asked him to, I think he might be able to solve a little mystery of ours.." he said.

Tommy came shuffling out. He appeared to be covered in soot and dust.

"What happened to you?" Techno asked.
"Got stuck in the weird square room thing," he replied.

"The what?" They all asked.

Tommy rolled his eyes then showed them all to the chimney.

"I think I might have found the thieves way of entry," he said.

"What? How?" Wilbur asked.

"Wells it obvious that no Windows were broken, and from what we can tell no lock was picked. Clearly, Santa decided to be a Grinch this year and ventured down the chimney to break in. The dirt on the floor is-"

he was cut off by Techno saying
"soot from the criminals shoe.."

Wilbur smiled widely. "Tommy your a genius!"
He exclaimed. Tommy just grinned out of pride.

"Of course I am, I'm a big man after all!" He said. Philza went outside to tell the guards and Wilbur asked Tommy what exactly Phil had wanted.

"Well he wanted my help which was a bit weird to me consider I'm just a theif and he's a king. He said that he's been of these guys trail for a while and that he was stuck. He apparently wanted to know what happened here. He wanted to see things from the thief's POV." He said.

"POV?" Techno asked.

"It stand for point of view, well I kinda just made it up.." he said.

"I like it." Wilbur said. Tommy smiled.

They continued talking and eventually went home to the castle to have supper.

When he got there, a little surprise was waiting there for him.

He face immediately brightened up and he embraced them in a tight hug.

"Niki!!! I missed you!"

Hello Cheesburgers!!!

My friends,
I have a special announcement!!!

I'm writing a new story!!!

It's another SBI story only it's a different AU. It is heavily inspired by a Trilogy written by agaygod

If you want to read the Trilogy, the books are titled "Where's Your Rider?" "The Valley" and "Thus Always To Tyrants" check them out!
They are also listed in the order your read them.

Anyway I'm going to be releasing the first chapter today so if you want to check it out, you can!

The book is titled "Dance Of Death"
And it's a Vigilante/Assassin AU

Here's a little sneak peak of the first chapter!

"3 pedestrians were found dead. All were in different locations but were found to be in the same area. Police report finding the bodies minutes after they were killed. However no witnesses could be found. Police have no idea who could be behind it. 33 people's have been killed over the past three days and now people are have never been more terrified than ever. If you have any information or evidence regarding these casualties, please report it to your local police station or call 911. We urge you to remain calm and to stay inside. Stay safe and have a good night."

He groaned as he kept sifting through the different shows. Eventually he got another call.

Damn furry, what is it this time?

He sighed then picked up the phone.

"Theseus, your needed here, now. This is urgent."

Remember, drink plenty of water, eat three meals a day, and get a good nights sleep, unless you wanna stay up ;)

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