Hospital wing.

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***George's P.O.V***

I heard Wood yelling at Fred. Bloody hell, Freddie. Just can't stay out of trouble can ya? I turned to find my brother falling to the ground.

"FREDDIE!" I yelled and flew towards his falling body. I will NOT let my brother get severely hurt during the first game. I managed to grab his arm before he hit the ground. I slung him over the back of my broom and flew towards the ground, the rest of the team following me.

Madam Hooch took him from me and sped off to the hospital wing.

"GEORGE!!!" Alli's voice yelled from behind me. She ran towards me, Angelina following her. "What happened?" She asked as she stopped in front of me. Was she being serious?

"Didn't you see?"

"No I was getting some chocolate frogs and some every flavor beans. When I came out I saw Fred being rushed out."

"To put it bluntly, he took a bluger to the head." I said before dashing towards the hospital wing. After about twenty minutes, three teacher encounters and a lecture from Percy later, and a Charlie lecturing him, I was sitting next to Fred's hospital bed. Madam Pumfry told me that he was just knocked out and that he would wake later today and that she would find me as soon as he did. I decided to head down to the great hall cause frankly, I was hungry. I raced down to the Great Hall, just to be stopped by Percy. Bloody hell, does this boy every sleep?

"How's he doing?" He asked as he stopped right in front of me.

"Why don't you do see him yourself?" I snapped back as I pushed him out of my way. I didn't even get two feet when he grabbed my wrist and whip me around.

"I am your older brother and you will tell me!"

"No I won't. Just because you're my older brother doesn't mean I have to tell you anything! Now let go and go see him yourself!" I snapped and whipped back around. I'd have enough. Just because I wasn't like him doesn't mean he can't see go see Fred. He's been bossing me and Fred around our whole life and couldn't take it anymore. I heard him "humph" and storm off. Wow I feel bad for whoever he marries and his kids. I sat down at the Gryffindor table and got bombarded with questions. I told them what Madam Pumfry told me and that was the end of it. I couldn't even eat I was freaked about Fred.

*an hour later*

***Alli's POV***

I was worried sick about Fred. I couldn't even eat supper and George was just the same.

"I'm done." I say standing from the table and out the Great Hall doors. I absentmindedly wandered down to the hospital wing. George must've told Madam Pumfry that I was coming or she had seen me with Fred around school because she looked at me and pointed to where Fred was. I nodded my head in a thank you and dashed over to his bed.

"Hi Freddie." I said as I sat down. Bloody hell I'm mental. He's knocked out. He can't hear me.

"Wanna bet?" Somebody said. Damn it. I was thinking out loud again wasn't I?

"Yes and you just did it again Alli." Alli. Fred George and Angelina are the only people who call me Alli. George was just in here and Angelina is doing homework, so that leaves...

"FREDDIE!!" I exclaimed, leaping out of my seat.

"Alli, don't yell. I know that'll be hard for you but please try. I have a killer head ache."

"Well you did take a bluger to the head." I mumbled sitting back down. "I should go get Madam Pumfry." I said standing again.

"No. I need to talk to you." He said pulling me back down.

"This better be good Weasley." I said.

"It is Williams." He said winking at me causing me to roll my eyes. "So I wanted to apologize for what happened before the games. I was being a total arsehole and I had no reason too." He opened his mouth to continue but I slapped the top of his head. "Hey!" He yelped.

"Sorry I knew you were gonna rant so I had to stop ya. But Imma go get Madam Pumfry so just keep our arse planted right there." I said simply walk over to where Madam Pumfry was helping another student. I told her that Fred woke up and she said I needed to find George. I nodded and told Fred what I was doing and dashed up to the common room. When I arrived George was doing homework. Yes. George Weasley. Doing homework. Yes I'm in shock too. "Put that down he's awake!" I yelled in his face, which was priceless might I add. He dropped his stuff on the floor, grabbed my wrist, and dragged me back down to the hospital wing. About half way there I saw Angelina who was about to say something. "Don't ask!" I said as I grabbed her wrist and dragged her with me. If I was going down she was coming with me. Wonderful friend I am.


Sorry its short loves!!! I had to update!!!

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