Classes Start Along with Drama

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I woke up to Angelina shaking my bed saying it was time to get up. I moaned and stood up. I changed into my robes and brushed my brown hair. I sleepily walked down to the common room and found Fred and George sitting on the maroon couches chatting. I flopped down next to George and let out another moan.

"Tired?" He asked.

I nodded as Fred said, "'Course you're tired I found you sitting down here at nearly one in the morning staring into a fire." I shot him a glare and he stopped talking.

"Why aren't you two at breakfast?" I asked.

"Freddie here wanted to wait for you. Something about 'needing to stick together' I dont know" George said making Fred's ears turn as red as his hair. I smiled at the words Fred had said last night.

"Well let's go eat." I said standing up.

"You sound like Ron." George mumbled.

"What was that?" I asked playfully.

"Nothing!" He says shooting his head up.

I laughed and said, "Race ya to the Great Hall!" then dashed ahead.

"Hey!!" The twins said at the same time racing after me. I giggled and kept running. When I reached the Great Hall the twins were left in my dust. I walked in and sat the Gryffindor table next to Percy. Big mistake might I say.

"Where are Fred and George and why are you out of breath?" He asks as soon as I sit down.

"I raced then here and they got left in the dust." I answer when I catch my breath.

"First year mistake. Don't do it again." He says then walks away. 'Wow.' I mouth and turn my head to see the twins getting the same lecher. I rolled my eyes and start eating. After a few bites another burnet boy sits across from me and says,

"Alicia right?"

"Yeah why?" I answer wondering why he's talking to me. Yeah that's kinda rude but when a total stranger walks up and starts talking to you don't you wanna know why he's there? That's what I thought. Anyways the boy looked like a second year and I know he's Gryffindor because I saw him in the common room this morning.

"Oliver Wood. Nice to meet ya." He says with a polite nod. I think Oliver and I could be good friends. We chatted for a few minutes then Fred and George FINALLY sat down.

"Percy?" I ask and they nod. "Well you two got a longer lecher then I did because I met Oliver here." I say gesturing in his direction. Fred and George exchange glances and say

"Who?" I turn to find Oliver not there. "He must've left because he was right here." I say and finish eating while the boys start. After ten minutes and a small food fight we finally left for DADA. George links his left arm with my right one and Fred does the same to my left. We walk the that for the rest of the walk.

After class the twins and I walk out of class, George making fun of Professor Quirrell the whole time.

I lightly smack him and say, "Be nice it's not his fault he stutters."

"Whatever. Where do you guys go next?" George responds.

"Ummm potions you?" I say look at my scheduled.

"Funny I go to potions also." Fred says looking at his.

"Transfiguration." George says glumly.

"Don't have too much fun without me." He says heading to McGonagall's classroom.

"We won't!" Fred and I call in union after him. He waves and continues walking. I giggle and Fred chuckles with me.

"Well to potions we go!" I say and walk towards Snape's room

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