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A/N: IM SO SORRY PLS DONT HATE ME!!!!!!!!!! but also ive never been to london so I appologize to any Londoners that i offend in this part

***Ali's POV***

After a lovely but unhealthy evening of pizza and ice cream, mum and I went window shopping like one does with their 12 year old daughter. Surprisingly enough, we ran into Angie and her mom at a small book shop near Piccadilly. I didn't think I would see her all holiday but I was still excited course.

After that, my summer was pretty uneventful. Between my lessons with Tonks, and the occasional visit to the burrow and playing Quidditch with the boys, I didn't do much other than wait for movies and rewatching old ones. I talked with my old friends and it was kinda hard to tell them where I disappeared to over the school year. I had to make up some fake and elaborate lie about how I was going to a boarding school in Scotland, not a lie actually, that's super hard to get into and when I did I had to go. Course I couldn't tell them anything about it because magical laws and such. Mom is making me take normal muggle classes over the summer because who knows if I can't get a wizarding job and how else am I supposed to pay for muggle stuff.

My year two letter came while we were out one day in July. The conversation went something like, "Alli, your letters here." "Ew school." Typical Williams family things. We waited till about mid-August to go get my school things. After we did, the last few days of summer went by fast. I managed to convince mom to let me stay at the Weasley's for the last week. Which means I left for the train station with them. Everything went down a lot like last year, without an interruption from another first year. I quickly found Angelina and we took our things to the drop off.

"Where are the boys?"

"Probably with Lee and whatever large animal he bought with him this year." I answered with a laugh. Last year he brought some sort of ant farm type of thing. It ended up breaking and we were finding ants all over everything for about a month. It was absolutely awful.

"If whatever it is, it better not break again. I found a bunch in the pocket of my robes. How it got there? Who knows." With that, we both let out a laugh.

"Hey, let's sit here. There's no way we're gonna find another empty compartment." I nodded towards the empty seats before entering, waiting for my friend to follow. I set my owl onto the small shelf that was provided. I turned around when I heard the door opening again. I figured it was Angie leaving to find the boys but instead I find another girl with light brown head standing in the door way, looking absolutely petrified. Angelina and I exchanged a look.
"Do you need somewhere to sit?" I asked, knowing she wouldn't say anything.
"O-on-only if it's okay with you." she stutters out.
"Course! Come in, here hand me your owl I'll put it next to Rose." I say as I look at my own reddish brown owl. I reach out and grab her brown one and slip him onto the shelf.
"What's your name?" Angelina asks as she sits on the ugly plaid seats.
"Ka-Katie Bell." she stutters out again.
"Well Katie, it's nice to meet you." Angeline says with a small smile. I could slowly feel her opening up.
"So, are you gonna try out for the qudditch team this year?" I ask, already knowing the answer.
"Obviously!" Angie exclaims.
"I've been working on playing all summer with the boys and I've gotten quite good they said."
"Well, we'll just have to wait and see." Angie says with a small laugh.

Soon enough we arrive at the station. Angie and I waved a good bye and good luck to Katie as she follows Hagrid to the boats.
"I really hope she gets Gryffindor." I say as I climb into the same carriage as the boys.
"Who?" Lee asks as we squish in.
"Katie Bell. She sat with us on the train." I answer.
"She seemed more like a Huffelpuff to me." Angie says with a confused look at me.
"So she's a little shy, so was I." I say as if it isn't a complete lie.
"Ok, if anyone was shy, it was me and defiantly not you." Lee says calling me out as always.
We continued our random chatter as we traveled to the castle.
"Even from the carriage it's breathtaking." I say to no one in particular. "I don't think I'll ever get over this view."
"Me neither." I hear from Angelina as she looks out the other window.
"Hey, have you guys ever wondered what pulls the carriages up to the castle?" Lee asks, breaking us from our trance.
"Probably a basic moving spell." Fred answers.
"Well if it was a moving spell, then how does it know when the carriage is full?"
"Lee, you've been surrounded by magic your whole life and you still ask questions?" Angie says, thankfully ending an argument before it starts.
"Hey we're here." George says as we pull to a jolting stop.
"Really? I thought we were still going." I say, my sarcasm taking over as always.
"Don't be rude." He says with an eye roll. I stick my tongue out in response. We follow the upperclassmen, not really knowing where to go. After finding somewhere to put on our robes, we walk into the Great Hall. I slide in next to Oliver Wood and begin to tell him how I'm planning on trying out for the quiddich team this year before McGonagall throws the doors open while leading the first years. I spot Katie and give her a small wave. I laughed at Angelina when Katie was sorted into Gryffindor. Thankfully, Katie had seen me wave and all but ran to come sit with us. The rest of the ceremony went slowly after she had sat down. Dumbledore gave us the same run down as last year, and by the way Wood rolled his eyes, he hadn't changed his speech in the four years he'd been here. We had the same food as last year, still as delicious as it was then too. After being dismissed the rest of us followed the first years who where following the uptight prefects to the dorms. I finished telling Wood about how I'd been practicing all summer and how I can actually fly now.
"Well that's good. Best of luck to you at tryouts." He says with a smile before dashing up the stairs to find his things.
"Charlie!" I burst out upon seeing the second oldest Weasley without first years trailing behind him. I heard a slight groan, proof that even he'd had enough of them. When he realized it was me who had said his name, he seemed to have relaxed.
"What may I do for you Alicia?"
"I was wondering when tryouts were?" I ask, in hopes that I'd have at least a week to practice. 
"Three weeks. That way everyone can settle back in from break."
"Ok thank you!"
"No problem Williams."
"Alli!" I turn towards the door to find a very nervous Katie. I wave her over, kinda to make her comfortable but mostly just because I didn't wanna stand up from the maroon couch. "Are we gonna be in the same dorm?" She asks.
"Sorry but no. Each year has their own mini floor and you have the same floor the all 7 years. But yours will be right above ours!"
"Hey, you can still come in ours but you just can't sleep there. So if ya need something we're right there."
"Ok well I'm tired so I'm gonna head to bed, goodnight."
"I was actually going to do the same thing so I'll walk with you!" Luckily, our floor was the first so I didn't have to climb up any more stairs than I need to. "Goodnight Katie." I say as I walk into our dorm then proceeding to change and then flopping down on my bed. "Night Angie." I say, not even knowing if she was in there.
"G'night Alli." I hear an annoyed grumble from my best friends bed.

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