Welcome to Hogwarts

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I entered Kings Cross Station with my luggage and owl. I was getting weird looks from muggles but I didn't care. I was finally on my way to Hogwarts. Now your probably wondering who I am or if I'm muggle born, pure blood, or a half blood. Well that's for me to know and you to find out. Anyways I walk down to the ninth platform but couldn't find Platform 9 3/4. Then I heard a lady saying something about muggles. 'I'll ask them how to get on the platform.' I think. I see one of the older boys, she called Percy, run at the wall. At first I think he nuts but when he disappears I stand there astonished.

"Ma'am?" I ask walking towards them. She turns around and looks at me her red hair flying. "Could you show me how to do that?" I ask.

"Of cores dear. First year I assume?" She asks and I nod. "Well it's the twins' first year also." she says pointing to a pair of red heads huddled together whispering. I lightly smiled at the sight. "Alright well just run right between 9 and 10." I nodded and charged. I emerged to see a train with a Hogwarts sign above it and students everywhere. I found where to put my trunk and make my way onto the train. I step into one of the cars and look for an empty compartment. Instead I find one with a pair of redheaded twins. I open the door and ask,

"Can I sit here?" The look at each other and nod. I felt a bit awkward but shrugged it off. "I'm Alicia Williams by the way." I say while I get comfortable I end up with my back on the window facing them.

"George Weasley. This is my brother Fred but he's suddenly shy." George says with a chuckle. 'He looks a bit sic. Maybe even nervous. Well first years are gonna be nervous.' I think.

"He doesn't look too well." I whisper to George.

"He's fine just first year nerves." He whispers back. I nod and look at Fred.

"Hey you alright Freddie?" George asks. I give him a weird look and he gives me a 'twin thing' look. Fred grunts in response. I giggle a bit. "Fred you're being rude." George says to him. Fred just grunts again.

"Well if he's gonna be like that I can find another place to sit." I say standing up.

"No stay. He might just be tired." George says. I nod and sit back down. "You're a girl of many words aren't you?" He says with a laugh.

"Get me mad enough, hyper enough or just get to know me and I won't shut up." I say laughing with him. Suddenly the door opens and a girl says, "We're almost there you better change." then leaves. George and I look at each other and laugh. I grab my black robes and head to the bathroom. After I change I head back to the compartment to find the twins already changed.

Fred, finally moving, turns to me and says, "Sorry for being so rude. I wasn't fully awake." I smile at him and he returns it. I swear his cheeks turned scarlet for a second.

I shrugged it off and we came to a stop. The twins and I walk off the train and followed the voice yelling, "Fer'st yers!"

We follow a large man to boats. The three of us climbed into one as it started to row itself. Fred leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Cherish this moment. It only happens once." then leans back. I smile at the boys and then look back the castle. When we arrive at the edge of the water and climb out. Fred, George and I follow other students into the castle. After climbing multiple sets of stairs we come to the Great Hall.

"I am Professor McGonagall. Before you join your classmates you will be sorted into your houses. There are four houses. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin." With that she opened the doors and we followed her in. After squishing together the three of us look up at all the teachers and then look at an old ripped hat. After singing some weird song McGonagall pulls out a scroll and starts calling us up. I grab the boys' hands as we wait for our turn. The first called to Gryffindor was a kid named Lee Jordan. After a few more students McGonagall yells,

"Alicia Williams!" I gulp and let go of the boys' hands. I walk up the steps and sit on the stool.

"Ahhh. Quiet brilliant with some whit. Very smart yet brave with loads of courage" The hat says. After a few moments it shouts, "Gryffindor!!" I smile and join my house table. Soon Fred is called and the hat is barley even on his head it shouts, "Gryffindor!!" Fred comes to join me and Percy. Oddly enough the same thing happened to George. During Dumbledore's opening speech, the twins introduced me to their other older brother, Charlie. I found out he was quiddich captain and a prefect. After eating we follow the others to Gryffindor tower.

After entering the common room one of the Charlie says, "Dorms are upstairs. Boys to your right. Girls same to your left." He said that almost bored, like he had heard the speech several times before. I climb up the stairs to the girls dorms to find all my things by a bed.

"Hi I'm Angelina Johnson!" A girl with dark brown hair says.

"Alicia Williams." I say with a smile. She sits on the bed next to me and asks,

"So you gonna try out for the Quidditch team?"

"I might but I'm not sure. I don't know how to fly." I say a bit embarrassed.

"That's why we have flying lessons with Madam Hooch." She says with a laugh.

"Ohh duuu." I say with a laugh.

"Yeah first day of class we should get some sleep." She says climbing under the blankets. I wait until I know she's asleep and sneak out to the common room. I sit down on the maroon couches and stare into the fire.

"Couldn't sleep?" A voice says behind me making me jump. I turn and see Fred leaning on the doorway to the dorms. I shake my head as he sits next to me.

"I'm too nervous." I say and continue to stare into the fire. He pulls me into a side hug and says,

"It's gonna be ok. Me, you, and George gotta stick together." I look at him and smile as he smiles back.

"I know we just met but I feel like I've known you forever." I say looking back to the fire.

"Well something's are just like that." He says standing up.

"We should get to bed." He says helping me up. I smile and follow him to the dorms. "See you in the morning." He says opening the boys dorms.

"Night." I say walking into the dorms. I climb into my bed next to Angelina and fall into a dreamless sleep.


well dat took forever jkz hope ya like it :) if you do imma post more :D

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