Dinner with the Weasley's.

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***Fred's P.O.V***

George and I shoved the last thing into our closet right as we heard a loud crack. Dad must be home. The two of us scanned the last little bit of our room to make sure we didn't get wacked upside the head, even though it was going to happen anyways.

"Fred! George!" The voice of our best friend rang out through the house even though she was a floor down.

"When did she get so loud?" George asked me as we stepped out of our room.

"You met her first. You should know she was always that way." I joked as we walked downstairs. When we got to the second floor landing Alli had her back turned to us. I raised three fingers up and counted down.

"Alli!" We yelled at the same time. I swear she jumped four feet in the air! George and I just about feel on the floor laughing.

Between our laughter I heard her mumble something along the lines of, "I hate the both of you so much." That made me laugh even harder. Then I saw her hair change from brown to fiery red like she was a Weasley herself. I stopped laughing and nudged my elbow in to George's side, whom was still laughing a little bit.

"Wicked." We muttered at the same time.

"What? What happened now?" She questioned as she turned around.

"You- You're hair!" I blurted out in amazement.

"What's wrong with my hair?"

"Look at it!" George said still in a daze. We watched as our best friend grabbed the ends of her hair. She let out a small scream. But since it was Alli, the whole family, discluding dad as he's not home yet, had to come running.

The first person to reach us was Alli's mum though. "Alicia! What happened to your hair?" She said with a motherly voice our younger siblings got every day from mom.

"I don't know. I was mad because the twins were laughing after scaring me and my hair just changed colour." She blurted out in one breath. Our mom's exchanged knowing glances.

"C'mon. Let me explain downstairs." Jade said in a soft voice, which my mother hardly ever used.

After they had walk away my mother yelled up to my siblings, "Get down here! Supper's ready!" What did I tell you, she hardly used. George and I pulled ourselves off the floor and walked down the last ten steps or so to go eat.

"We should go see what they're talking about." George whispered.

"You read my mind, as always Georgie." I whispered back. We silently walked towards our living room and peered around the corner, listening with sharp ears.

"What's wrong with my hair mama?" Alli said as the tears fell onto her lap. It hurt me to see my best friend like this. I just wanted to walk in there and hug her.

"There's nothing wrong with your hair baby." Jade said and continued before Alli could interrupt. "There's nothing wrong with you either. In fact, you have a very special talent that not very many people have." She said with a smile.

"What is it. How can I use it and not be a freak?"

"Well, first of all it's called Metamorphmagus, and I have a friend I met a while ago and she's one as well. I can send her an owl when we get home to see if she can help. How does that sound?"

Alli's face lit up like the sun as she smiled. "Thank you mama!" She cried as she wrapped her arms around her mother. I looked at George and counted down from three with me fingers.

"You gonna come eat or what?" George and I said in unison as we walked into the room, as if we hadn't listened the whole time.

"Food!!" Alicia cried as she ran into the kitchen. The three of us laughed and flowed her. Before we stepped into the kitchen Jade stopped us.

"I'm counting on the two of you to keep an eye on her and her power when you go back to Hogwarts in September. Send me an owl if something goes wrong alright?" She said to the two of us, bending down a bit so we didn't have to look up as far. We nodded and saluted. She laughed as we followed her into the kitchen.

"Oh dear, I suppose you only know the twins and Percy. Well that just won't do!" My mother exclaimed and all of my siblings rolled our eyes. Really mother. "Well, this is Percy, then Ron, next to him is Ginny-" Before mum could finished Dad walked through the door. Oh thank god. Some sanity (kind of). "Hello dear." Mum said with a smile as she says every day.

"Hello Molly, Jade." He said hugging mum and nodding at Alicia's mother. "And you must be Allison!" He exclaimed looking at Alli.

"Dad. Her name's Alicia." I mutter out in embarrassment caused by my father.

"Oh, of course. Sorry my dear." He said shaking her hand.

"Oh it's alright Mr. Weasley. It's not the first time I've been called the wrong name." She said with a shrug. Nice save Ali.

"So boys," Dad said turing to George and I. "I never got a chance to ask. How'd Quidditch go this year?" George and I grinned ear to ear at the mention of the sport. I watched as my best friend rolled her eyes and looked down at her plate of food. My twin and I blabberd on about our amazing season. In case you're wondering, we beat Ravenclaw for the house cup. Not by much but we did.

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