Are You Sure?

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"Well on the way back from the Great Hall I ran into George and he seemed out of breath, so I asked him what he was doing he said that he was running after you and Fred. I figured you'd be in the common room and so did he so we walked back together, and every time I looked at him his ears turned all red." She blurts out, with a blush.

"Funny. Fred does the same to me." I say getting suspicious. "OH MY GOD!!" I burst out in realization.

"What?!" Angelina says wanting to know my realization

"They like us! DUUUU!!!" I say.

"Oh. My. God. We could be sisters one day!!!" She says with full enthusiasm.

"I don't know. I mean we just meet." I say feeling a little weird.

"Still. Admit it. they're cute." She says at me with a point.

"A little." I admit blushing.

"Well they'll be wondering why you dragged me up here so let's go!!" She says pulling me towards the door.

"If they ask what it was about just say girl stuff. That'll make 'um shut up." I say making her laugh. She nods and we continue our way down to the common room.

"What was that all about?" George asks as soon as our feet set on the floor.

"Girl stuff." Angelina and I say in unison causing us to giggle. They exchange a glance and decided to drop the subject.

"So how'd everybody's first day go?" I ask flopping on the couch.

"Mine went perfect. Other than what happened in flying." Fred says looking at George.

"I would have to agree." He says looking at Angelina.

"I don't even wanna know what happened." She says with a laugh. "But I'm just happy I have charms with Fred and Alicia." She finishes grinning.

"I had a pretty good day. Other than flying and potions." I finish off and move so my feet are on the back of the couch and my heads dangling off the couch. So I just moved upside down.

"Snape say the same thing to you guys to?" George asks knowing that we would know what he meant.

"Ya. I don't care how good of a teacher he is, he's bloody creepy." Angelina says with a shiver. I laugh at her dramticness but I do agree. He is bloody creepy.

"Well who's your favorite teacher so far?" Fred asks braking the silence.

"McGonagall by far!" George says.

"Flittwick." I state simply.

"Sprout!" Angelina says proudly. I roll my eyes at her sarcastically, which resulted in a pillow to the face. I laugh and gently kick her head. The four of us burst into laughter. I hear somebody coming down the stairs and i jerk my head around to see Percy.

"Would you lot keep it down?!?! Some of us have school in the morning!" He exclaims.

Before he can even turn around I say, "We have school in the morning too, but we're fun and lose unlike uptight people like you. You're probably gonna end up in the ministry and hate it. And guess where we're gonna end up? In a job than we actually enjoy." When I'm finished his entire face is the color of his hair. Knowing he's been beaten at his own game he turns on heal and storms upstairs.

"That was--" Angelina gapes.

"Ya it was just--" George says in search of words.

"Words can't explain how---" Fred stutters out.

I realize what they're trying to say and I say, "Thank you." I do a little bow to make it better emphasis, which they just laughed to, which was my other goal. I flop back down on the couch and we chit-chat for a while until the clock struck 10 pm. A.K.A curfew. I groan and walk up to the dorms with Angelina and the twins.

"Night guys." Angelina says with a yawn and walks into the dorms.

I laugh and say "Night."

"Night." They say in unison. I smile at their twinness. (Yes I know that's not a word) I turn on my heal and walk into the dorms. I change out of my robes and slip on my fuzzy pjs. I slip into bed trying not to wake Angelina, who was already knocked out. I smile at her stupidity and bury myself under the cozy blanket. I soon fall into a dream filled sleep.


THANK GOD THATS DONE!!!!!! XD but seriously that took me FOREVER to upload and I'm not as depressed anymore but sorry its short I was running out of ideas

Dedicated to Mssupup as she is my new wattpad bestie!!! :D

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