Chapter 2: The Attack

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Disclaimer: everything but Beverly and her family belong to Stephanie Meyer.


We were at the living room waiting for Bella and Edward defending from the stairs. Alice decided to go up to see what was holding them.

After a few minutes, we saw them coming down the stairs. Alice pulled Bella quickly down the stairs with Edward a foot away from them. Esme and Carlisle made their way to Bella. Carlisle apologize for everything. Esme gave Bella a hug.

Soon after, Emmett and Rosalie walked around Bella. Alice had a camera in her hands and took a picture of Bella. Bella saw the flash of the camera and turned to Alice. "I found it in your bag," Alice said. I saw Emmett standing next to Edward with his arms crossed.

"Dating an over woman huh," Emmett joked to Edward. Edward shook his head. "What?" Emmett said with confusion. I giggled at the reaction. Jasper smiled. Alice got a present and gave it to Rosalie to give to Bella. I could tell that Rosalie hasn't fully accepted Bella. She accepted me though.

Rosalie got Bella necklace with Alice's help. Alice went to pull Edward next to Bella and put them together for a picture. "Shoe me the love," Alice said as she good the picture. They looked a bit dull in a way.

Alice went back to the table and got a present. She gave the present to Bella. "This is from Emmett," Alice said. Bella shook the box but, there was nothing in it from the sound. Bella turned to Emmett at the stairs. "Already installed it in your truck,. Finally have a decent sound system for that piece of crap," Emmett said. Bella cut him off. "Hey. Don't...don't hate the truck," Bella said. It was like Emmett trying to liven up things.

Alice got another present from the table and gave it to Bella. It was from Esme and Carlisle. "Its a little something to brighten your day," Carlisle said. "You've been looking kind of pale lately," Esme said. Bella gave them a smile. She turned back to the present to open it. Bella ripped the wrapper and cut her finger. I saw blood trailing down her finger. I felt Jasper tense next to me. I looked up to see his eyes turning black.

I knew what that meant. I remember specifically that Jasper wanted me to back away from him when his eyes were black. He was thirsting for Bella's blood. Slowly, I started to walk away from Jasper towards the wall next to the stairs. I was shaking a bit with a little fear.

Everything happen so fast. Jasper made his way towards Bella in vampire speed. Edward pushed Bella that made her fly towards the flower vases. Edward pushed Jasper that made him fly towards the piano and breaking its legs.

Jasper got up quickly and made his way towards Bella again, but he was caught by Carlisle and Emmett. Jasper was growling and hissing. Alice stood in front of him trying to calm him down. " its okay. Its just a little ...blood," Alice said. The last part didn't sound convincing.

I turned to Bella to see blood steaming down her arm. I turned back to the family to see them turn their attention to Bella. {Oh no...} Bella looked a bit frightened. "Get Jasper out of here," I heard Carlisle said. Carlisle quickly made his way to Bella to stop the bleeding a bit.

Emmett dragged Jasper out of the house an one by one, each family stepped outside. I was worried for both Bella and Jasper. This was the first time that I had seen Jasper like this. I couldn't think. I felt that I couldn't even breath deeply.

I needed Jasper. I decided to walk out to find him. I saw the family outside. Alice saw me. "He's over there," she pointed. I nodded my head and walked a bit deeper into the woods. I saw his hair sticking a bit out of the tree. "Jasper?" I called out.

I slowly walked very slowly around the tree towards him until I was right in front of him. He was literally shaking like a leaf. He had his eyes closed. I slowly reach out until I was caressing his cheek. "Jasper. It's okay," I said softly. I felt him calming down under my hand.

I stepped a bit close to him. He took my hand off his face and embraced me. I knew that he felt bad about what had happened. He was still new to the vegetarian diet so he hadn't had much control of his bloodlust yet.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "'s okay," I said. I felt his head shook against me neck. My scent was the only thing that was calming him down. "Its not. It could have been you that I could have gone after. I'm a danger to you. I'm a monster," he said.

I quickly shook my head. "No you're not," I said. Just like that. He took off running. I couldn't believe that he would think himself like that. He was reminding me of myself when I said that I was a nobody. Jasper was the one who convinced me that I wasn't and he was the one who made me feel very special. He was special to me.

Rosalie drove me home. "I'm sorry about Jasper," she said with sympathy. "It's okay. Drive safely back home," I told her and stepped out of the car. I walked inside my room and sat at my desk. {I hope he forgives himself.} I looked inside the drawers and found the letter.

I should contact them soon.

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