Chapter 5: My Family

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Disclaimer: everything but Beverly and her family belong to Stephanie Meyer.

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Next day.....

I spent almost all night reading about psychic vampires. Psychic vampires read on the life force of humans. Some psychic vampires feed off of nature. Unlike regular vampire, psychic vampires can eat normal foods. Psychic vampires are much like humans in terms of body temperature, vulnerability, heartbeat, and speed.

Psychic vampires are able to have children but, in some cases, they cannot for a couple reasons. Children born from psychic vampires cannot produce children. Producing children are regulated through the Melrone family. The family is the leader of all psychic vampires.

Children born from Psychic Vampires grow until they are eighteen. They grow at the same rate as humans. They usually have gifts. In other words, they have powers. Powers vary depending on their parents.

Psychic vampires do produce venom. Only the Melrone family can change a human into a psychic vampire. The process is less painful than a normal vampire transformation. A psychic vampire need to get permission from the Melrone family to change a human. This is done through a trial.

That was how far I read in the book. My family was practically royalty in the Psychic Vampire world. I had to relearn how to feed off of nature and using my powers. It took me a few hours but, I was able to get the hang of it. I like eating food than energy though.

Few days later.....

I was now driving to California to meet with my brother. I sent him a email that night to tell him that I was coming. He said that he would be waiting and my niece and nephew couldn't wait to play with me.

It took me a few days to get to California. I was in Redwood. I looked at the address and the computer to see that their home was in the middle of a forest. I didn't know what the house would look like.

I managed to find the home. I parked and stepped out of the car. Their house was huge and beautiful. It was almost as good as the Cullen's home. I looked around to see that no one. I walked up the steps to the door. I ranged the doorbell and heard footsteps on the other side.

The door opened to reveal a man with black hair with purple eyes. "May I help you?" he asked me. I kept my head held high. "I'm looking for my brother, Brent," I said to him. He went on his knees to bow down to me.

"I am Cyrus. I'm your brother's bodyguard. I'm at your service as well," he told me. "Okay. Can you lead me to him," I asked him. He got up and gave me a nod. He led me into the house. I saw a few Psychic vampires on the way. They bowed to me.

We got to a door on the second floor. "Sir, your sister is here to see you," Cyrus said through the door. "Come in," I heard. Cyrus opened the door for me. I walked inside the room. It looked like an office. Cyrus closed the door and waited outside.

I walked up to the desk to see my brother for the first time in many years. My brother looked up at me and gave me a smile. "It has been a long time Beverly," he said to me. He walked up to me and gave me a hug.

"It sure is," I said with a smile. He had me sit down on a chair and he went to sit at his desk. "Now you know the family secret. I should tell you now that you need to keep it a secret from everyone you know," he told me.

I nodded my head. "Even my boyfriend and his family who are normal vampires," I said to him. He gave me a nod. "It seemed that you have adjusted to a psychic vampire life very quickly," he told me. "Yep. The memories help," I said with a smile.

He gave me a nod. I remembered something. "Where are my niece and nephew? I want to see them," I said to my brother. I heard little running on the other side of the door. The door opened in a bang.

I see two little kids at the doorway. I smiled at them. I knew instantly who they were. "Hello Derek. Sandy," I said to them. They gave me a smile and ran towards me to give me a hug. "You're here," they said at the same time.

They had a good grip on me. They let me go and I got on my knees to be at their eye level. "How have you two been?" I asked them. "Great," they said in unison. I laughed a bit. They were so adorable.

Then, I head footsteps coming into the room. We all turned towards a woman at the doorway who looked a bit angry. I stood up and looked at her. Derek and Sandy tried to hide behind my legs. I took a guess who it was.

"There you two are. It's time for your baths," she said to them in a stern tone. I felt them grip onto my pants. I put my hands on their heads. "If you like. I can give them their baths," I told her. She now notice me in the room.

"Brent. Who is she?" she asked him. "Beverly," he said to her. I saw a smile on her face and walked towards me with her hand out. "Hi. I'm Dawn. Your sister in law," she told me. I shook her hand. "Nice to meet you finally," I said to her.

I let go and looked at my nephew and niece. "You want a bubble bath. I'll make it fun for you two," I told them. Their eyes lit up. "Yes please," they said in unison. I took their hands and they led me to their bathroom.

One week later....

So much has happen in a week. I met with all the psychic vampires who lived with my brother. They now knew that I was part of the Melrone family. I told them to treat me normally even though they don't.

I loved Derek and Sandy. They loved their bath time. Now, they would always come for me for bath time. Dawn was very happy for the help. I loved her too. My brother and I had some alone time so that he could tell me about our family and such.

Today, I was going to train with some of the other vampires in terms of my powers. I was specifically going to train with my nephew and niece. They needed to practice to control their powers. They could levitate things.

I showed them my abilities. Everyone was fascinated. I managed to beat a couple of the other psychic vampires. My brother was pleased to see that I can take care of myself.

At nighttime, I was reading them a bed time story. "Thee end," I said to them. They were fast asleep. I tucked them in and kissed them on the head before I went out of the room. I knew that I was going to miss them.

I walked to the living room to see my brother and his mate. "You have a few weeks left," he told me. "I know," I said to him. "What are you going to do when you get back?" Dawn asked me. "I'm going to work as usual. I need to help my friend get through her depression and such," I said to them. They gave me a nod.

I walked to my room to go to sleep.

Few weeks later.......

It was time for me to go back home. The kids cried and held on to me. "I'm going to visit and we can talk on the phone. Maybe do a web chat," I told them. They gave me a nod. I gave them a tight hug. I gave a hug to Dawn. Then, I went up to my brother and gave him a hug as well. He really taught me everything I needed to know.

"I will try to visit you. Maybe we can do a family trip," he said to me. "You better. I think the kids would want to bug you unless they find their own way to get to me," I told him. He gave me a nod. I went into my car and gave them a wave. I started the engine and drove off home.

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