Chapter 9: Volterra

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Disclaimer: everything but Beverly and her family belong to Stephanie Meyer.

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I drove to Bella's home. It was late at night. I notice that Bella's truck wasn't there. I parked the car and walked up to the porch. I knocked on the door. The door opened to reveal Charlie. "Hi Charlie. Is Bella home?" I asked him.

"No she is out," he told me. He invited me inside. He had to go out for work. I stayed in the living room. I watched tv for a few hours. I didn't know how long I was watching but, I notice that Bella wasn't home yet. I got tired and drifted off to sleep.

Few hours later....

I felt someone shaking me. I woke up to see someone who I didn't expect to see. "Alice?!" I said out loud. She gave me a smile and a hug. "How have you been?" she asked me. "I've been fine. A bit overwhelmed from helping Bella get through with things," I said to her.

Alice helped me sit up. "Where's Jasper?" I asked her. "He's with Carlisle and the others someplace else," she said to me. "Oh," I said to her. I was hoping to know where he was and how he was doing. "He's doing fine. He really misses you," she said to me. "I miss him too. I wished that he was here to comfort me at tough times like this," I said to her honestly.

I just thought of a question to ask. "Why are you here?" I asked her. "I saw a vision of Bella jumping off a cliff. She was in the water," She said to me. "What!?" I said in shock. I knew what she was talking about.

"She had been going crazy lately. She always wanted to feel the rush. I think it helps her feel a bit closer to Edward," I said to her. Alice gave me a nod. We knew that Bella was suffering from being a way from Edward for too long.

I saw Alice turned her head towards the door and disappeared in a blink of an eye. {What is she doing?} I heard the door open. I had a feeling that it was Bella. Then, I heard Bella go in shock when she saw Alice near her door.

Bella and Alice walked into the living room. "Beverly? What are you doing here?" Bella asked me in a bit of confusion. "I was getting worried about you so I thought I would just stop by and see how you were doing," I said to her. She gave me a nod.

I looked at the time. "I better get going. I'm going to go get some sleep," I said to her. I gave a hug to Alice and Bella and walked out the door. I got into the car and drove back home. Once, in the apartment. I washed up for bed.


I walked out of the bathroom to my bed. I took the phone and answered the phone. "Hello?" I said in the phone. "Beverly? It's me Bella. I want to know if you can come with Alice and I to Italy to stop Edward," she said to me quickly.

"Huh? Um...okay," I said to her. I didn't understand what was going on. "We'll be at your place in a few minutes," she said to me and hung up. I quickly pack some things and my passport. I got outside and they just arrived in front of the apartment complex.

I got inside the car and we drove to the airport. "What happened you guys?" I asked them. "Jake came to my house to see if I was safe. Edward called my house, but Jake picked it up. Edward thinks that I'm dead," Bella explained to me. "So then why are we going to Italy?" I asked her.

"Edward is planning to make a scene at Volterra. That is were the Volturi is located. He is planning to expose himself so that Aro can kill him," she said to me. I nodded my head. {I think Jacob has feelings for Bella.}

Many Hours later....

We were now driving to Volterra. Alice was explaining to us how Edward was going to make a scene. I could see the worry in Bella's eyes throughout the whole flight. I was worried a bit. I just hoped that we weren't too late.

We finally got into Volterra and there were many people on the streets. They were wearing red hooded robes. {Is something going on? A celebration of some sort?} I was getting a weird vibe from the place.

"Why are they all wearing red?" I heard Bella ask Alice. {I was going to ask the question.} "St. Marco's day festival. They are commemorating the expulsion of vampires form the city," Alice explained to her. {Well, what's a more perfect day and way to die.}

Bella was literally holding her head. She was panicking. It was five minutes before Edward exposed himself to the people. Bella was panicking as the minutes and seconds went by. "Please let us get there on time," I said in prayer.

We had to stop the car. The police was in front of us. No cars could get through the main center of the place. Bella go out of the car. Bella was the only one who could stop Edward from exposing himself to the people.

Bella was hesitating a bit. "Bella go! You don't have much time," I told her. Bella quickly ran off into the crowd to get to Edward. Alice dealt with the police. I stayed in the car and prayed for Bella to stop Edward.

After a while, Alice and I managed to park the car and made our way to the Volturi's home. Alice pushed the door open and we walked inside to see Edward and Bella together with a couple of guys there.

I looked in their eyes to see that they were vampires. "Come on guys. It's a festival. You don't want to make a scene," Alice said as she made her way next to Edward. I stood behind Alice a bit. I had no idea what they were capable of.

I saw a woman making her way to us. "Enough," she said to them. "Jane," I heard Edward say. She looked a bit creepy with her eyeshadow and the eyes. "Are sent me to see what's taking so long," she said to the guys.

It looked like we didn't have a choice. Edward made the first move to follow Jane. "Just do as she says," Alice told us. At this point, I would listen. I knew how to defend myself, but I wasn't so sure about going against blood feeding vampires.

We were walking down the stairs. "Go ahead," she said to us. We proceeded the rest of the way down the stairs. She walked behind Bella and Edward. I kept myself close to Alice. I wished Jasper was here with me.

We got into an elevator. It was a awkward experience and moment for everyone. It had Italian music going. Once the elevator stopped, we got out and walked through the building. A woman stood from her desk and greeted us.

I could tell that she was human. I heard Bella asking about her to Edward. The woman knew about the secret. Jane said that the woman was going to be dessert. It made me extremely nervous to be around her.

Jane opened the doors to reveal the Volturi's home. It was very spacious. I saw that there were three chairs. Three thrones for three ancient vampires.

{I better be on my guard.}

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