Chapter 10: Judgement

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Disclaimer: everything but Beverly and her family belong to Stephanie Meyer.

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We made our way inside the room. We made our way to the center of the room. I recognized their faces from the painting in the Cullen's home. The one in the middle was Aro. In a way, he was the leader of the Volturi.

"What a happy surprise. Bella is alive after all. Isn't that wonderful," Aro said out to us with a smile on his face. He made his way towards us. Something about him was really creepy. I didn't want to stay in a room with I'm too long.

He reached Edward. "I love a happy ending," he said to Edward and Bella. Aro took Edward's hand. He could see what Edward saw. "Her blood appeals you so much. Makes me thirsty. How can you stand to be so close to her," Aro said to Edward.

"It's not without difficult," Edward said to him. "Yes I can see that," Aro said to him. "Aro can read every thoughts that i ever had with one touch," he explained to us. I knew that each vampire had a different abilities...some more rare than others.

"And now you know everything. So get on with it," Edward said to Aro. "You are quite a soul reader yourself Edward. Though you can't read Bella's thoughts. Fascinating," Aro said to him. I was getting more nervous.

Aro took a few steps back. "I would love to see...if you are exemption to my gifts as well. Would you do me an honor?" he asked Bella. He gave a hand out to her. I watched Bella take a few steps forward and hesitantly gave her hand to Aro.

We were all quiet. "Interesting. There's nothing," he said out loud. He let go of Bella's hand. Bella walked back next to Edward. "I wonder. Let us see if she's immune to all our powers. Shall we Jane?," he said and turned his head to Jane.

I was getting a very bad feeling. Jane looked at us. I saw Edward making the first move toward Jane. "Pain," she said simply. I watched Edward stopping midway and wither in pain. "Stop," Bella said to her. The pain kept going.

Some of the vampires in the room grabbed onto us. I didn't fight back because I felt that I would be killed if I did something. Bella kept telling them to stop. "Jane," Aro said her name. Soon, Jane turned her head to Aro. "Master," she said to him.

I could see Edward breathing normally now. "Go ahead my dear," Aro said to Jane. I knew that he want her to try to give pain to Bella. I could see Bella scared in her eyes. "It might hurt just a little," Jane said to Bella.

Jane was staring at Bella for a while. {I think she is immune.} Aro started to laugh. "Remarkable," Aro said to everyone. "So, what do we do with you now," Aro said to the men behind him. They knew that Bella knew too much. "Felix," Aro said a name.

I saw the vampire going near Bella but, Edward managed to push him to the ground. It was happening in vampire speed. A vampire came for Alice. I saw a vampire coming near me. I used my powers to keep him from coming near me. All the vampire could do was try to step forward but, couldn't.

I could see Aro's interest in me. I saw Edward being thrown and slammed to the ground. Everything else was really a blur. I saw Edward's head's almost be ripped off before Aro. Bella was begging for them to stop. Aro put a hand up to stop.

"Kill me. Kill me. Not him," Bella said to them. I turned my head to her. "Are you nuts?" I said to her. She looked at me. "What choice do I have? I don't want to see him hurt," she said to me. I looked back at Aro. {What is he thinking?}

Aro walked forward. "How extraordinary. You would give up your life for someone like us, a vampire. A soulless monster," Aro said to her. "You don't know a thing about his soul," Bella said to him. "This is the sadness," he said to her. He talked about giving immortality to Bella.

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