Chapter 6: Things Change

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Disclaimer: everything but Beverly and her family belong to Stephanie Meyer.

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I was finally back at home at Forks. I learned so much about my family. I was actually a psychic vampire. It explained so much. I still couldn't tell anyone not even Bella. I had to be careful not to use my powers around anyone.

I got to my apartment and unpacked everything. I actually went to the grocery store before I came to the apartment. After I unpacked everything, I quickly went to my laptop and wrote an email to my brother and his family that I made it back home. I really missed them especially the little ones. I still remember them crying for me not to leave.

I decided to visit Bella. I learned that she was hanging out with Jacob Black. Bella told me that they used to play together when they were very little. He didn't seem to bad. He was really watching over Bella. I could tell that Bella was really happy with him. If she was happy, then I was happy.

On day, the three of us were driving. Apparently, Bella gotten into some old broken bikes. I had no idea what gotten into her. Bella notice something at the cliffs. "Is that Sam Uley?" Bella asked. "Yea," Jacob said. We saw him jump off the cliff into the water below.

"Oh my god," Bella said and stopped the car at the side of the road. We got out the the car and watched closely. "Did you see that?" Bella said. "Yep," I said in response. Jacob was laughing a bit. "They're not really fighting Bella. They're cliff diving," Jacob said. He said that it gave total rush to the person.

"A rush," Bella said. I didn't like the sound of it. We finally made to our destination and Jacob got the bikes off the back. He really had muscle. Bella got on the bike. Jacob told her about the controls of the bike. Soon, she was off driving. She started to have trouble and then she rolled of the bike and slammed her head against a big rock.

"Bella!" Jacob and I yelled and Jacob let me ride with him on another bike. We got to her in no time. "Are you okay?" I asked. Her head was bleeding. "I want to go again," she said. "Are you trying to get yourself killed?" Jacob asked a bit angry. Jacob took his shirt off and pressed it against her head.

I guess missing Edward was a bit too much...

A week later...

Bella had been telling me that Jacob hadn't been visiting her since the movie night. She told me that he got a very high fever.

I went with Bella to visit Jacob. It was raining and pouring out. He was only wearing jean shorts and shoes. We pulled up to his house. Bella got out of the truck quickly without anything to cover her head. "Jake," she yelled and walked towards him. I took my umbrella and walked out.

Bella stood up in front of him. He turned around. "You cut your hair off. And got a tattoo," she said. {He really did that to himself? Why?} Something didn't seem normally right. "Bella," he started to say. "I thought you were too sick to come outside. Or pick up the phone when I call," she yelled out in the rain. "Go away," he finished.

"What?" Bella said in disbelief. "Go away," he repeated. I couldn't believe this cycle was happening again with Bella. She was so happy with Edward and he left. She was so happy with Jacob. Please don't tell me he was going to leave and make her go depressed again.

"What happen to you?" Bella questioned him. {I want to know too.} He turned away from her and started to walk. "Whats wrong Hey! What happened," she said and grabbed his arm. He wasn't looking at her in the eyes.

"Did Sam get to you? Is that what's happening," she asked. I have seen Sam from afar. He did look a bit intimidating. "Sam is trying to help me," he said. Then he started to take about the Cullens as blood suckers. That made the hairs of the back of my neck stand up. {Does he know something that we didn't know?}

Bella just stared at him. "I don't know what you are talking about," she said. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. You and Beverly have been lying to everyone. Charlie, you can't lie to me. Not anymore Bella," he said in a bit of anger.

We heard noises from the distance. We turned to see some guys in the distance who were shirtless and I could see the tattoos on their shoulders as well. "We can't be friends anymore," he said to her straight.

Bella was begging now. She didn't want him out of her life too. He said that he wasn't a good kid anymore. She didn't want him to break up with her as a friend. They promised each other. He was sorry. He said his goodbye and walked towards the guys.

Bella just stood there. I walked over to her and gave her a hug.

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