Chapter 4: Unlock Secret

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Disclaimer: everything but Beverly and her family belong to Stephanie Meyer.


It took me four days to get to Texas from Forks. I arrived at Dallas, Texas at eleven at night. I rented a motel to stay in. I set my stuff in the closet and got ready for bed. I knew that I would have to do a lot to find about my family's secret.

Next day...

It was really hot in Texas. It was a good think that I came during fall. I walked to the bank that was on the letter. I walked towards the front counter. The manager looked at me. "How may I help you?" he asked me.

"Hi, I'm looking for Raymond Carmen," I told him. He turned to look at a man at a desk. "Raymond. Someone is here to see you," he said. Raymond came towards me. "Hello, How may I help you," he said. "I'm want some help getting access to a vault that belonged to my parents. They left me a note stating that they had something for me," I said.

"What is your name," he asked. "Beverly Melrone," I told him. He gave me a nod. "Follow me," he said. I followed him to the back where the vaults were. He opened a vault and turned to me. "This is your parent's vault. Everything inside is yours," he told me and walked outside.

I walked up to the vault and saw a book and another letter. I took the letter and opened it. It was addressed to me.

Dear Beverly,

By the time you read this, we are gone from this world. The words we wrote in this letter will shock you. The fact is aren't human. You are a psychic vampire. That explains about our eye colors. Psychic Vampires have purple eyes. We feed off of human energy. But, you and your brother fed off of nature.

Your memories of being a psychic vampire had been locked and sealed. The only way to unlock it is by saying a specific word. The word is written in the back of a book. When you are ready, say the word and you will unlock your memories. It is best to do this in your room or something like that. Once you got your memory back, visit your brother in California. He will fill you in the rest.

We will always be watching you.

Love Mom and Dad

I put the letter and book in my bag. I walked out of the bank and into my car. I drove to my motel room and sat on the bed. I held the book in my hands. I took a deep breath and turned the page. I saw the written word.

I took another breath and said the world.


I began to see memories from my hidden past.

First Flashback.....

I was in the garden picking flowers. It was mom's birthday. I wanted to make a bouquet of flowers for her. I picked up the bouquet and walked over inside the house. My brother rushed into the house and made me drop my bouquet.

I held both hands out and the bouquet levitated back into my hands. I walked over to the kitchen to see mom at the dinner table with dad. I walked over to her with the flower. "Happy Birthday," I said to her in a cheerful mood.

Mom gave me a smile. "Thank you," she said and kissed me on the forehead.

Second Flashback....

My brother and I were playing with water balloons in the backyard. He was throwing water balloons at me, but I was able to reflect them. He ended up getting wet while I stayed nice and dry. Soon, our parents joined in and we were playing as a family.

I saw a few more memories. Then, I saw the last memory.

Last Flashback.....

Mom sat on my bed and tucked me in. Mom petted my head. "I'm so sorry. I have to seal your memories. One day, you will remember. It's too dangerous for you right now," she told me. I gave her a nod.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

End of flashbacks.

I opened my eyes to see the ceiling. I lifted myself off the bed. I turned to see my phone on the nightstand. I held out my hand and the phone levitated to my hand. I looked at the time to see that two hours had past.

I opened the book and started to read about psychic vampires. I needed to go visit my brother tomorrow.


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