Chapter 11: Vote

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Disclaimer: everything but Beverly and her family belong to Stephanie Meyer.


Next day....

We were all in the living room. We were waiting for Bella and Edward to show up. Jasper held me in his arms. He hadn't left my side since I came back from Volterra. He was extremely worried about me.

Soon, Bella and Edward came down from the stairs. I knew what she wanted to talk about. I knew that Edward was against her on changing. I had told her to think really hard before making the decision.

"You all know what I want. And I know how much I am asking for. The only thing I can think of to only be fair is to just vote," she said to us. Everyone was so quiet. "Bella you don't know what you are talking about," Edward said quietly. "Shut up," Bella cut him off. She looked at us.

"Alice?" Bella said her name. "I already considered you my sister," Alice said and walked over to her to give her a hug. "Yes," Alice said to her with a smile. "Thank you," Bella said to her. "I vote yes. It would be nice to not want to kill you all the time," Jasper said to her.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry for the both of you how I acted and I am really grateful that you were brave enough to save my brother. This isn't a life that I would have chosen for myself. I wish there would have been someone who vote no for me. So no," Rosalie said to her.

"I vote hell yeah," Emmett said to her and gave her a big hug. "And we can pick a fight with the Volturi some other way," he said to her. "I have already considered you as part of the family. Yes," Esme said to her.

Carlisle had been thinking this whole time. He walked over to Bella. Everyone looked at Edward. "Why are you doing this to me? You know what this means," Edward said to Carlisle. "She chose not to live without him. This leave me with no choice. I won't lose my son," Carlisle said to him.

Edward looked away from us. Everyone turned their heads to me. "Beverly?" Bella said my name. I let out a shaky sigh. I looked up at Jasper. He frowned a little a bit. He knew that something was wrong.

I slowly walked over to Bella and stopped about a foot away from her. "Every choice has a consequence. Every consequence has a price. Once a choice is chosen, you can't go back. This is something that I can decide for you. This is something that I can't vote. The choice is yours Bella," I said to her.

I turned my head to everyone. "I'm going to go to my room. I want to be alone for a while," I said to them. I made my way up the stairs to my room. I made sure to lock the door. I walked to my desk and sat down.

{I know that Bella wants to be with Edward...but did she had to change to be with him? She is going to lose her life in a way. This is something that I can't vote for her. I'm going to have to tell my brother about this since she knows our secret. This is intermingling between blood feeding vampires and psychic vampires. We don't normally intermingle with blood feeding vampires issues. }

I opened my laptop and started to type a email to my brother.

Dear brother,

The Cullens have return to Forks after a confrontation with the Volturis in Volterra. It was decided that Bella is to become one of the blood feeding vampires as quickly as possible. If not, then the Cullens would pay the price.

Today, Bella asked everyone to vote. Everyone but, Rosalie voted yes. Bella asked me for my vote. I told her that I couldn't vote on this issue. We never really as psychic vampires had gotten involved with blood feeding vampire issues.

What is your thought in this? Am I to be involved considering that she knows our secret? Please email me back soon. Tell the kids that I miss them and I might visit again really soon. Love you big brother.

Love Beverly

I clicked send and closed my laptop.


I turned my head towards the door. "Who is it?" I asked. "It's me," I heard Jasper's voice. I used my powers to flip the lock quietly. "Come in," I said. Jasper came into the room. "Are you alright darlin'?" he asked me.

I got up from my seat and walked into Jasper's arms. "Yeah I guess," I said to him. "Are you disappointed about my vote?" he asked me. I shook my head against his chest. "It's just....I don't know...just a lot of things in my mind," I said to him.

"Are you thinking about being changed as well?" he asked me. I looked up at him. "What do you think about it?" I asked him. "I want you to be happy," he said to me. "I'll think about it. I don't think I would want to change anytime soon. Maybe in the distant future," I said as a lie. {I'm a psychic vampire so there is no point in me changing.}

He took my hand and walked me out of the room towards the living room. I saw that Edward and Bella were gone. I saw Carlisle and Esme on the couch. They saw us approach. "So Carlisle, have you figure out what is wrong with my blood?" I asked him. {I already know why it's different.}

"Unfortunately no. This is the first time that I am stumped by it," he said to me. "Is she sick?" Jasper asked worried. Carlisle let out a sigh. "Well... I don't know for sure now. I feel that it should be nothing to worry about. I may have to do some more tests on you if you don't mind," Carlisle said to me.

I looked up at Jasper. He was really worried about me. I turned my head back to Carlisle "Um...sure," I said to him. We walked into Carlisle's medical office. He took another sample of my blood. He took some other tests.

After the check up, Jasper and I walked around in the woods. I fed a bit of energy from the trees. I didn't feel very hungry. We stopped at a creek. "Beverly," he said my name. I looked up at him. "Hm?" I said to him.

"You are my true mate. I don't want to be apart from you. Will you do me the honor to become my wife?" he asked me. He took a small velvet box out of his jacket and went on one knee. He opened the box to reveal a gem surrounded by diamonds.

I felt so much love for him. I didn't want to be apart from him either. "Yes," I said to him. He took the ring and slid it onto my finger. "We will get married until you are a little older," he said to me. I gave him a nod in agreement.

We walked back to the house. I showed them the ring on my finger. Everyone was happy for me and Jasper. I told them that I would make a decision in the distant future about being a vampire like them. The truth is, I would have to tell them that I don't need to change.

I would have to tell them the true about me being a psychic vampire....unless Carlisle figured something out.

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