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The ticking clock was the most prominent sound in his room, and he was getting slightly annoyed. 

Why did he even leave that clock on in the first place? 

The batteries should have been wasted a long time ago.

Sunghoon had been sitting there for the past two hours, just staring at the ceiling. 

He wasn't really into TV, or games, or social media, so he would lay on his bed for hours and hours until his father got home, then it would be time for him to go downstairs and have dinner. After dinner, he would go back upstairs and continue the same routine that he was doing before. Which was laying down.

On the weekends, the only thing that changed his routine was that there was no school.

 He would wake up early in the morning to have breakfast, to later on train with his father. 

Then, after the five hours of training, he would take a shower, and once again lay on his bed for hours and hours on end until it was time for dinner.

He sighed as a sound came from downstairs. 

His father must be home.

His father was part of the most notorious gang in Hugo, and he made sure everyone knew. 

He would drive around the city in his expensive car and would purposely rev the engine so that people would look at him. He would stop at random shops just to see how people reacted to him. 

He would have fun watching others be frightened and would make his way out of there as if he had just won the world cup.

Sunghoon stood from his bed and made his way down the long hallway and down the large steps. He could smell dinner already as he made his way to the dining room, where his father already sat at the ends of the table with a cigarette in hand.

Sunghoon hated the smell ever since he was a child. He hated it so much, but he slowly got used to it. 

There was nothing he could do besides vowing to never touch a cigarette in his life.

"Mr. Park." Sunghoon acknowledged his father as he sat on the chair at the other end of the table. 

The servants who were standing around the room, quickly came to help Sunghoon push in his chair.

Mr. Park looked up at his son and only gave him a nod.

Sunghoon and his father never had a close relationship. Sunghoon had always called his father Mr. Park and it was something that they had established ever since Sunghoon was a child.

"Don't ever call me dad, you'll get attached and that is not what we want."

Mr. Park always treated Sunghoon as if he was a machine, incapable of feeling.

"How was training this morning?" Mr. Park asked as he took a small sip of his wine glass and began grabbing his fork.

"Same as always." Sunghoon replied, placing some food inside his mouth. 

His father nodded and looked down at his food.

Then, all you could hear was the clinking of utensils and the excessively loud chewing coming from Mr. Park's side of the table. The servants just stood around, pouring wine when necessary and passing them extra napkins if they needed them.

Sunghoon soon finished eating and looked at his father as he stood from the table. "May I be excused sir?" He asked and his father nodded his head, swatting the teenager away with his hand.

Sunghoon made his way out of the dining room and walked up the stairs towards his room, where he once again plopped down on his bed and stared at the ceiling until he fell asleep.


School was the same as always. The typical 'Park Sunghoon's here' and the scatter of people making way for him.

 It's like that when he enters the school, when he goes in the classroom, and when he enters the cafeteria. No one ever dared to talk to him. Partially because people think he's scary, but mostly because of who his father is.

He made himself out of the building and onto his expensive motorcycle that his father had got him for his birthday.

He rode around the city for a few hours as people stared after Mr. Park's son.

Sunghoon had learned to ignore the stares, it's not like he cared anyway. He didn't need any friends and he didn't care about attention whether it was positive or negative.

He soon stopped at a convenience store to get himself a snack before he went home. 

He would usually do this every day after riding his bike for 2 hours after school, getting himself some Doritos, a pack of airheads and chocolate milk.

It was already dark when he made his way out, bag in hand.

He turned towards an ally way to throw away one of his candy wrappers. As he walked towards the trashcan, he noticed a man smoking while leaning against the wall.


Sunghoon scrunched up his nose and continued his way past the man, throwing out his candy wrapper. 

When he was about to walk past the guy again, he heard a chuckle.

"Who the fuck are you to look at me like that ey?" The man slurred but Sunghoon furrowed his eyebrows and continued on his way.

 From his tone, you could clearly tell the man was drunk or high of some sort.

Sunghoon suddenly felt a pull on his black jean jacket which brought his whole body down to the floor.

 He wasn't expecting that. 

He fell back on his elbows, and he felt the sting rising up to his forearm.

"I was talking to you, scrawny bitch." The man chuckled as he stared at Sunghoon, who only looked down at his jeans that were now wet from the puddle he had fallen in.

Sunghoon stood up and dusted off his hands that were now scraped from the pavement. 

He looked up at the man who just stared at him with a smirk, waiting for the boy to say something.

Sunghoon's first reaction was to swing. 

The man fell to the ground as soon as Sunghoon's fist hit his jaw. 

Sunghoon grabbed the man by the collar. 

All he could see was red.

 He found himself beating the man to a pulp, and once he felt like it, he stopped.

Now that he could finally see, the man's eyes were already swollen. There was blood all over his face and Sunghoon's fists were stained in red. 

The man wasn't moving and Sunghoon felt scared for the first time in years.

Did I kill him?

He felt his hands start shaking and his breathing got heavier.

He felt his eyes sting, and he was surprised to be crying. So many emotions at once.


He hurriedly shook the man that was laying on the ground in front of him but there was no response.

Sunghoon's already heavy breathing got heavier.

Then, all he could see, was black.

The Mafia's Son|Park Sunghoon|Where stories live. Discover now