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Soon the morning classes were over, and it was time for lunch.

Angelica was too nervous to talk to Sunghoon.

 She saw him a couple of times in the hallway when she was walking to her other classes, but she considered it too weird to approach him in the middle of the hallway.

So, she considered waiting. She didn't know how much she was going to wait. Or when the courage to talk to him would come, but she'll wait for the right time.

You had the courage to bring him home, to ask your new neighbor to help you secretly carry him into your room, you tended his wounds, but you can't say hi to him?

She almost facepalmed at her own thoughts as she followed everyone to the lunchroom.

She soon made it there and she looked around for an empty place to sit. She tightly held her lunch bag that her mother had made for her that morning. Claiming that lunch here wouldn't help with killing her hunger.

Her eyes fell on a table, close to a large window, and there was Sunghoon.

He had a big empty table all to himself as he was looking down at a book, with an apple in hand.

A book? He likes reading? That's hot.

She shook her head to get rid of the thoughts and took the three thousandth big breath of the day, walking towards the table. Her eyes were dead set on the boy and everyone around her seemed to notice.

"Hey new girl! What are you doing?"

Trenton suddenly stood in front of her, and she looked at him confused.

"I'm sitting down." She responded almost in question.

"I see that, but you can't sit there."

Angelica stared at Trenton for a second, who looked at her like she was crazy.

She focused her eyes on Sunghoon, who had looked up from his book to see what the small commotion was. 

He stared into her eyes causing a shiver to go down her spine. He took a bite from his apple and looked back down towards his book. 

His face, once again, undecipherable.

"Why?" She asked as she looked back at Trenton.

"That's Sunghoon's table. Don't you know who he is?"

No actually, I don't know who he is... She thought.

After all she had only met him a few days ago and he was beating up a dude, almost killing him in the process. Yet he had already been in her home and slept on her bed. The only thing she knew about him was his name.

"Don't approach her like that Trenton." Another voice walked up to them, and she looked up at the boy who had suddenly interrupted the conversation.

"I'm Jake." He said as he extended his hand for her to shake.

She furrowed her eyebrows and shook his hand, quickly moving her hand away after the boy smiled at her.

"I wouldn't recommend you sitting there, he doesn't really like company."


He doesn't like company? What does that even mean? So he sits alone all the time? Do they bully him or something?

"I... kind of still don't see why I shouldn't sit there." She awkwardly said, pushing back the 'why not?' question that was at the tip of her tongue.

"He's just not someone to mess with."

She didn't like the fact that he sat alone. 

She didn't know why. 

But maybe it was because she saw a sliver of his vulnerable side when he thought he had killed that man. The way he cried and basically fainted when he thought he had taken someone's life.

"Really?" She asked as she looked at the boy who still hadn't looked up from his book.

Suddenly taking another bite of his apple, Sunghoon closed his book and made his way out of the cafeteria. Her eyes and seemingly everyone else's followed the boy's footsteps as he strutted out.

She suddenly felt herself being pulled to sit down at a table with about four other people by the boy named Jake.

"You can sit here if you want." He said softly with a nice smile as she saw Trenton sit in front of them with a slight scoff.

"I hate his ass. He's so cocky. He thinks he's all that just because he rides an expensive motorcycle, and his daddy pays for everything." Trenton said as he rolled his eyes and practically stabbed his spaghetti.

Everyone except for Jake and the new girl nodded in agreement.

A girl with her hair in a ponytail suddenly walked up to the table and sat next to Trenton, placing her phone on the table with a thud.

"I would get on his motorcycle any day." She said as she drank from her water bottle.

The girl's eyes finally focused on the new addition who had barely started eating her food.

"Who are you?" She asked.

Angelica, who had paused mid bite and put her fork down, nervously looked at the girl.

"I'm Angelica. I'm new here."

"Makes sense. That's why you tried to hit on Sunghoon." The girl said as she giggled and extended her hand, "I'm Yu Ahn and welcome to the club."

I didn't hit on him.

Angelica grabbed her hand and shook it, giving her an awkward smile.

"We're gonna' have to teach you the ropes around here, I guess."

Angelica took a bite of her food and let her eyes mindlessly drift towards the door hoping to see a long-legged boy come inside.

"You know we're all hanging out Friday night at Claro's. It's a cafe. If you want to come, you're invited." Jake smiled as he placed a piece of bread in his mouth.

"I'd love to."

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