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"Who is she?"

Everyone stared at the new girl who walked down the hallway with her head down.

Why is everyone so interested? Please look away.

She closed her eyes for a second, taking a deep breath as she noticed the stares around her.

Of course, she was new in the school. Well, she was new to the town. 

She had moved from the Caribbean to live with her parents who she hadn't seen in two years. She thought that moving with her parents could make her hard work of studying worthwhile, since where she was living before didn't have as many opportunities.

When her parents moved she decided to stay in her home country with her aunt. Her parents weren't exactly happy with her decision but they supported her with it. 

But now, she doesn't feel satisfied with what she's done for herself.

So she moved to Hugo, in hopes of increasing her chance of going to a good college.

She soon reached the main office and she opened the door, walking in.

 Looking around nervously, she saw some people sitting down waiting for their turn, and debated whether she should walk up to the desk or not.

 She soon made a decision and walked towards the desk with confidence.

"Excuse me? I'm sorry, I just have a quick question. Where's room 305?" She asked politely to the lady at the front desk who looked up from her work and stared at the girl for a few seconds.

 Soon the lady's eyes focused to someone behind her.

"Hey Trenton, can you show this girl to the classroom? I'm pretty sure you have the same homeroom." The lady spoke.

She seemed a little bored as she did so, making Angelica slightly nervous.

Angelica looked behind her to see a boy just a little bit taller than her nod with a cocky smile.

"Ms. Taylor aren't you going to ask me why I'm here?" Trenton said as he stood next to Angelica, who looked at the lady.

Ms. Taylor shook her head and looked back down towards her computer.

Angelica awkwardly waved towards the boy, who had already started walking out of the office, making a sign for her to follow him. She fast walked to catch up with the boy.

"You must be new here. I haven't seen you before. My name's Trenton."

"My name's Angelica."

They soon made it to the classroom and Trenton went his own way to greet his friends who waved him over.


She sighed and looked around the classroom to find an empty seat.

She wasn't used to this. Usually at this time her teacher would already be here and he or she would tell her where to sit.

I'm guessing I can sit where ever I want.

She walked towards a seat that she spotted near the window. 

Still hearing whispers around her asking who she was, she gulped nervously. 

She set down her stuff and took a seat, letting out a sigh of relief as she finally was sitting in the right classroom and on time.

It was her biggest fear that on her first day, she would get lost. This place was way bigger than her old school. Her old school was just one floor with a couple classrooms. This place was two floors but apparently it wasn't as big as other high schools according to her aunt's information.

Well it's huge to me.

She curiously looked around the classroom only to see people staring at her as if she was a ghost. 

She looked away as she met eyes with a random girl and looked back up after a while to see if everyone was still staring at her.

 And they were.

Is there something on my face?

She hurriedly looked for her phone in her bag, turning on the front camera to check how she looks, but there was nothing there.

Soon the teacher came in, and she hurriedly placed her phone back in her bag. 

The people that were staring at her all scattered around to their seats. 

She looked up towards the board where the teacher was standing with a paper in her hand, assuming it was an attendance sheet like they used to do back in her school.

"Yu Ahn."


I guessed right.

She looked down at her desk and slowly started zoning out.

She thought about the school and the way everyone acted like they were in some type of drama.

 They all seemed to be focused on other's lives. The place where she comes from, nobody really cared what you did, they just moved on.

 But since everyone knew what goes on in this school, and they knew everyone in the neighborhood, it was probably weird to see a new girl come to this slightly gruel place.

She looked up when she couldn't hear the teacher speaking anymore, panicking because she thought her name had been called, but she looked around to notice everyone's eyes on the door.

"Park Sunghoon's here."

She heard whispers and she looked towards the door and her heart dropped to her ass.

He goes to this school? Of course he goes to this school dumbass, there's barely any high schools in this town.

She stared at the boy whose eyes were looking at the teacher.

Mrs. Sylvia turned towards the attendance sheet, completely dismissing the fact that he was late to class. She grabbed her whiteout and cleared the absent from the paper, marking him present. 

 With that, she made a gesture for him to continue towards his seat.

Sunghoon walked forward with his chin up.

Everyone stared at the handsome boy as he made his way to his seat.

He looked up, meeting eyes with Angelica, who was occupying his spot. 

He stopped in his tracks, his eyes widening for just a second but then he walked past her and sat in the empty seat behind her.

Angelica took a subtle deep breath and continued to look forward to the teacher who had continued to call out names. 

She could hear him set his stuff down and that alone made her nervous.

Even though he said he hoped to see me again, I never thought it would be this soon. I thought I would never see him again. At least that's what happens with cute boys at the store. I see them once and never see them again.

She slightly panicked as she thought whether she should talk to him or not but then she heard her name being called.

"Angelica Rosa?"

"Yes?- I mean, here." She said nervously and she heard a couple chuckles around her, including the teacher who nodded and looked around to set her things down and start with the class.

The Mafia's Son|Park Sunghoon|Where stories live. Discover now