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Angelica walked directly towards the counter where her mother was. Mrs. Rosa stood from the stool as soon as she heard the bell ring, but sat down again, once she noticed it was just her daughter.

"What are you doing here? You know you're at the other side of town right?" Her mother said as she rose her eyebrow at her daughter.

"Really? This town is so small, it's kind of crazy." Angelica said as she let out a nervous chuckle and looked behind her to see Sunghoon walk straight down the aisle of candy.

Her mother noticed the boy and stood from her stool, moving towards the cash register. Angelica noticed her mother's eyes roaming the big mirror on the ceiling, seemingly staring at the only customer in the room.

Angelica furrowed her eyebrows and leaned on the counter.

"Mom what are you doing?"

"Shh! You're so loud."

Angelica looked behind her to see Sunghoon making his way to where the drinks were, grabbing two bottles of chocolate milk, struggling to hold everything in one hand.

She smiled a little as she heard him curse under his breath because he dropped a pack of airheads.

Airheads, Doritos and chocolate milk?Weird combo but what gives?

He suddenly turned towards the line making both the mother and the daughter turn their stares away from him.

Mrs. Rosa gently nudged her daughter to the side as Sunghoon was making his way towards the register.

Sunghoon placed his things on the counter with his typical nonchalant look and Angelica couldn't help but stare in curiosity.

How does he switch up like that?

As the mother scanned the items that were placed on the table, Sunghoon slightly turned his gaze towards Angelica, their eyes meeting for another split second, making her knees weak.

How does he do that?

For some reason it felt so awkward to think about the fact that she was just on his bike a few minutes ago. Or that he was in her home a few days ago. Every time they meet eyes, it's like their first encounter. At least it was for Angelica.

"Would you like a bag for that?" Mrs. Rosa asked tenderly and Angelica looked at her mother with a look of disgust.

Sunghoon just nodded. After he swiped his card and the mother finished placing his things in a bag, he turned towards the door and walked away. The last thing that was heard from him, was the ding of the bell on the door.

Angelica stared at his back as he pushed his hair back, got on his motorcycle and sped away.

Thunder was rumbling from the sky and Angelica frowned.

He's riding his bike in the rain? That's not safe.

She suddenly felt a harsh tap on the shoulder.

"Ow! Mom!"

"Don't even think about it. I saw your eyes going after him. He's not someone to mess with."

Angelica looked at her mom, confused for what seemed like the one hundredth time today.

Why does everyone keep saying the same thing?

"Is that why you talked to him as if he was the king of the world? You never treat anyone like that. I'm a little jealous. " Angelica said with a small grimace.

"I didn't treat him like he was the king of the world, I just treated him how he should be treated especially with who his father is." Her mom said with a sigh as she moved towards the stool that she was sitting on before.

"Who is his father?"

Mrs. Rosa's eyes suddenly looked at her again with a slight cork of the eyebrow.

"How did you even get here?"

She changed the subject.

Angelica looked down at the counter as she thought for a split second about what her answer should be. If she told her mother that Sunghoon was the one that brought her here, there was no possible way that her mother would let her breath.

"A girl I met in school gave me a ride."


That night she lay in bed with her thoughts jumbled together.

'Especially with who his father is'? What does that even mean? What is he? A prince or something? People need to learn how to be more detail oriented. And why did Mom change the subject?

She sighed and turned on her side as she stared at the desk that was on the other side of the room.

Her eyes caught a sight that she was surprised she had forgotten about. A black jean jacket.

She stood from her bed and walked towards the jacket, remembering that she had washed it while Sunghoon was asleep to get rid of the blood and she had set it to dry on the desk.

She was planning to give it to him before he left but she was so nervous that she didn't even think of giving him the jacket. After he left she assumed she would never see him again, so the jacket was left in the same place.

She grabbed the jacket from the chair and stared at it for a second.

"How am I going to return this?" She whispered to herself.

The door to her room suddenly opened and she jumped dropping the jacket that was in her hand.

"It's weird that you're in your room today. Did you finally decide to clean the rat's nest?" Her mom sassed with a small smile and Angelica rolled her eyes grabbing the jacket that fell on the floor and softly placing it on the desk chair again.

"Isn't that jacket a little too big for you?"

Angelica panicked a little as she started picking up things from the floor.

"I like wearing big clothes I thought you already knew that Mami."

Angelica chuckled as she placed her shoes in the closet. Her mother hummed in response as she made her way to help her make her bed. As she turned the bed sheet she suddenly stopped and stared at a corner.

"Did you get your period?" Her mom asked as she turned towards the girl who suddenly stopped cleaning.

No, her period already passed before she moved here. So it wasn't supposed to get there until next month. It's probably from Sunghoon's cuts. He was bleeding pretty badly.

Her mother usually knew when her period was coming or when she would be on her period so she couldn't come up with the 'Yes I had my period'.

"No, I got a cut last night. On-on my toenail." She hesitated as she moved to continue to place her shoes in the closet.

"Well you should have changed the sheets."

Her mom grabbed the sheet into her hand and walked out of the room.

"I'll get you clean ones."

Once she made her way out of the room and the door was closed, Angelica let out a sigh of relief.

I didn't even change the sheets. I really need to get my shit together.

The Mafia's Son|Park Sunghoon|Where stories live. Discover now