(19) Graduation

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(Thank you three for helping and being the most amazing friends ever. We've only know each other for alittle bit, but your all amazing 🧡 thank you so much) 

(@The_Balcony_Scene  @managerbr4  @my_frerard__romance)

I smiled, standing with the rest of my class. I reached my hand up, throwing my hat up. Everybody cheered and screamed. I stood there waiting for everybody to grab their hat and calm down. The principle then said, "congrats class of 2015. You may now disperse to your families."

I turned, walking out of the stadium and up to my family. I walked up to Ray and he pulled me into a hug. "Great job baby, I'm so proud of you."

He let go and Gerard pulled me against him. "I'm so proud mikes, you deserve this"

He let go and frank hugged me aswell. He let go and I looked at my parents. They both smiled with tears in their eyes. They both pulled me into a hug. Mom kissed my forehead, "I can't believe our baby if done with school. Your all so grown up."

She pulled back, wiping tears from her face. I lightly smiled, grabbing her hand. Ray stepped forward wrapping his arm around my waist, "its alright mama. We're all still right around here. We're not going far I promise"

She wiped off a few more tears, "alright, just don't leave me boys. I need ou three."

She smiled out at Gerard, Ray and I. I let go of her hand, grabbing onto rays. Dad smiled stepping forward, "alright, lets get to dinner before we start crying again."

Mom lightly laughed, grabbing onto his hand. He smiled, then turned heading for the exit. Gerard and Frank followed after them. Ray turned towards me smiling, "Congrats baby. I love you so much"

I leaned up pecking his lips. I pulled back drawing a heart on his chest. I pulled away, walking, trying to catch up to the rest of the group. We all got out and went to out cars. I pilled in the back on mom's jeep with Ray and the rest went to gerards car. Mom and dad were already in there waiting on us. We pulled out of the parking lot, heading towards the restaurant we chose. We pulled in, Gerard right next to us and all got out. We walked In and a waiter led us back to a hur booth. The six of us got in, me, Ray, then dad and gee, frank and mom on the other side. She sat down silverware and menus. "What could I get you to drink?"

Ray looked at me, "what would you like? Water like normal?"

I shook my head smiling. Ray looked up at the waiter, "alright he'll take a water and I'd like a coke please"

She smiled writing it down, then getting everybody else's. Once she got theirs, she walked away, going to get them. I opened the menu and looked over everything they had. After a couple of minutes she came back, puting our drinks on the table. "Alright, are you all ready to order?"

My mom looked out at all of us, "I think so ya. I'll start"

Once they all ordered, including Ray he looked at me. "What do you want?"

I pointed at a picture in the menu, "He would like the sirloin steak, medium rare (The only way to eat steak) with mashed potatoes."

She smiled, picking up all of the menus. "Alright thank you I'll go get that started"

She turned walking away from the table. Ray smiled at me, setting his hand on my thigh. I sat my on top of his, leaning my head on his shoulder. My mom smiled at us happily. "So mikey, are you gonna be staying at home? Or are you gonna get an apartment out near your clubhouse?"

I pulled out a little note book and a pen.

I mean, if you want I can move out. But I was thinking just stay home this year, get a job and start saving money. Then next year for rays Jr year we can get an apartment out near his school since it's only 45 min from the clubhouse.

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